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Everything posted by LN-FRV

  1. Terry, My name is Harald Roen from Norway. I have just flown my RV-8 with a FADEC controlled IOF-360 A1B6 using the Vision VM1000FX as a engine monitoring system. I had a JPI engineer making me a PROM with the fuel and engine parameter on. When I installed it, the fuel tot. gage shows the numerical value "03" on both tanks when they are full. When they starts to be empty, it suddenly shows the value "02" and then it trigger the fuel low alarm on the EC-100. I have the short capacitive fuel probes installed, so when we where calibrating the probes it showed full when we got 17 gal into the tanks. I have two 21 gal tanks in the RV. It seems to be indicating the correct graphical and numerical values when empty, but not in between. I also have a problem with the fuel flow transducer. I got information from VMS Techsupport in 2006 that I should connect as follows: P1 connector: Pin 2 Red Pin 3 Black Pin 14 White It does not work........argghhhhhh. I would very much appreciate your help or advise. Bstrg Harald. It does fly like a rocket though :)
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