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Everything posted by Joenisey

  1. I've done about 87 hours! Completed the PPL exam and right up to getting my GFPT. Just need to sit for the test. Haven't been able to fly since October last year, so will no doubt need a few more hours to catch up before sitting for GFPT. Just waiting on cash flow to improve, then ready to go again. My goal is to achieve my PPL and my RAAUS by the end of the year. My dream job would be a flying instructor.
  2. Hi All. I finally got to post on Just Landed. My name is John. I fly out of Melton airfield, in Victoria. I've been trying to complete my GFPT as I started going for my GA licence. But hoping as soon as I have my GFPT done, hoping to join up and also get my RAAUS licence. I was hoping to be fully licenced by 40, I'm now 42!!! Too much work or not enough money, not sure which has effected me more! Never-the-less, my goal is still to get my licence and some day work in some avenue in the aviation industry. At this stage, I'm quite happy to wash planes and scrub tyres!!!!!!
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