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About Spades

  • Birthday 25/03/1980


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  1. Hi Tony I have been recently injured and have a long recovery in front of me. I build and fly rc planes. My aim is to build a real plane and then fly it. On a shoe string budget. This is the first steps in my plan to not only fullfil my life time dream of flying,but also keep my very active mind( most times a bad thing ) pre occupied on a project, rather than the effects of the injury. I beleive that with the support of the right people , 1 peice and step at a time. I should be able to compleate what some think to be impossible. After life has most of its enchantments stripped away, flight remains the thing that brings the same amount of enjoyment to me as a Bubble O Bill did as a kid.
  2. So does that mean my five minutes is up ? I had so many questions
  3. Hi guys hope you don't mind I'm just going to bask in the experience here
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