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PMI course

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I am looking to do a two day PMI course.Have enquired on the internet but so far no one offers the course on its own only as a component part of a much larger sylabus (which i do not want)Any advice/pointers would be much appreciated.Thanks





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Guest eland2705

Probably opening myself up to all sorts of ridicule here, but what is a PMI?


Or is it one of those thing that if you have to ask, you don't need to know?



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Howdy. We offer the PMI course at jaspers brush, and I believe they do it at Temora as well. It normally is part of the instructor rating, but I can't see why it can't be done alone.


(PMI= Principles and methods of instruction)



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I was a fully Certificated Secondary School teacher plus quite a bit of related Tertiary study and got no exemptions whatever. I ended up doing a CASA approved 5-day course and without it I would NOT have passed the exam. My background knowledge and experience, was not helpfull as the concepts and terminology had all been revised to modernspeak +.Weird concepts of learning. They have some validity of course but were a bit esoteric really.A


Anyhow these things are happening all around us. I would suggest that you do a course where they have runs on the board. ( Good pass record).


It is one thing to be good at something and have a lot of knowledge of your subject, and it is another to be able to pass that knowledge on to others.. This is where the ART of teaching comes in. How could you learn that in 5 days? but you may pass the exam, which is your first hurdle. Nev



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