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My Flight progress - Jab 160 Bathurst

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Another successful day of flying/learning! ;Perfect day again in Bathurst.. It was about 11am by the time we taxiied out. First couple of normal circuits from RWY17, didnt do a bad job, feel like my take offs are heaps better now also. 3rd circuit saw my PIC engine idle just on base. Did my radio call and quickly setup 70 knots, turn towards runway more. Plenty of room, one stage of flaps, keep speed 70 knots, more like 65 in the jab 160. Requires nearly full trim back and pressure still to keep speed at 65. ON final and second stage flaps, perfect height and speed. Touch down and all good for first round. Happy with that.. Next one, PIC pulls back throttle just on downwind, make call for Cross strip 26 this time, dirt runway this time. Everything setup well and grease the landing in.. Dirt a lot more forgiving as you land. The next few not too bad, i believe i passed the forced landings though.. I wonder what will be next..


Radio exam next week, getting alot closer to solo .. not rushing though..



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Good weather again


Gooday Dave


Hope you were up today, blue skys again not a bump.


Took up a J2 jab today did some curcuts.


They are still good fun. 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


Did you do any flying today?


How is the study going must be close for your exam's.


Yours in flying


Mick 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



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Hey Mick, no flying for me until Monday, did two flights this week which was really good. I am doing about 2 a week at the moment, alot better than 1 a week when i started.


Whats the J2 like to fly, much different to the J160. ?


The weather sure is fantastic up here, cold in morning -4 each day this week.


I am studying for radio exam, probably will attempt that next week, already passed the Pre Solo Air Legislation exam.





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The J2 Jab love it or not.


Gooday dave


Did about 1.5 hours in the jab today.


The 160 Jab is a big improvement on the early J2


Yer the early Jab is good to learn in they have a small rudder so you have to fly it.


The early Jabs wen't sorted and there weight & Balance envelope is very small


you just have to get use to them but there fun to fly.


A lot of the GA pilots don't like them only because you have to fly them.


When i fly a Cesna's 172 & 182 I think its boaring or a 210 thats like flying a house brick not to mention the fuel consumption. :ah_oh:


The Brumby is pritty good all round, you can have a fly when we catch up and make your own mind up.


Love the extra 300 its better than sex. Don't tell my wife i said that.


Yours in flying


Mick 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



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26/7 lesson


Well, eventful day ! I good day for flying, slight cross wind on RWY35 when we started, not too bad though. Instructor threw alot at me today, mostly emergency procedures at many parts of the circuit, mainly take off engine failures.


Landed on most runways today, hardly any traffic which was unreal to train in. We could basically pick what we wanted. Good experience i do admit. Preparing me for solo i bet! I feel i accomplished what he wanted me too.


Solo could be coming up soon, pending weather and how i am on the day.. I would rather not know it was coming, just launch it at me and i dont have to think.


After the lesson, instructor took me up in the new JAB 230 for a fly. Hopped into left seat and off we went.


These things really move.. Amazing performance difference to the Jab 160. They feel pretty solid aircraft to fly, those massive wings making it easy to glide if you so need too.


A very nice aircraft with that new smell about it inside.


When do i fly again, hopefully Wednesday afternoon if the rain does muck things up.


Dave out for another day! 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



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Hey Jose, nope no flying today, 19 knot winds at 280, somehow would of been tricky getting off ground with that crosswind.. Chris wanted to fly to Oberon to get some photos of snow as well. Would of been great. I hope to be flying tomorrow after work, might be tricky for you in morning too. Wait and see. Dave



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After a week of shocking weather, finally went up today.. Only one in the area, apart from a nice chopper (Medusa callsign) doing NDB approaches, soon disappeared. Had the airport to ourselves. We again did a heap of emerg approaches (didnt see one coming as i turned my head, instructor pulled the throttle) haha, then flapless touch n gos also. ... Wind was 10 - 12 knots on the nose on final, felt like we were crawling even at 70 knots. Thought would of been alot more turbulent, thinking we might get some more cross wind circuits in. Pretty happy with my landings now, passengers will be pleased. :)


Radio Exam on Friday with another lesson.


19.1 hours now!


Cheers .



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After a week of shocking weather, finally went up today.. Only one in the area, apart from a nice chopper (Medusa callsign) doing NDB approaches, soon disappeared. Had the airport to ourselves. We again did a heap of emerg approaches (didnt see one coming as i turned my head, instructor pulled the throttle) haha, then flapless touch n gos also. ... Wind was 10 - 12 knots on the nose on final, felt like we were crawling even at 70 knots. Thought would of been alot more turbulent, thinking we might get some more cross wind circuits in. Pretty happy with my landings now, passengers will be pleased. :)Radio Exam on Friday with another lesson.


19.1 hours now!


Cheers .

Flew a few circuits in a strong crosswind a few weeks ago in the Jab120. Check out my video. Good luck with the radio exam:) ps I'm at about 21 hours, soloing this weekend hopefully! John.



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After the Solo on Wednesday, im back down from my high! Back to normality and flying on Tuesday morning, today would be fantastic now the fog has lifted, unreal day . No wind and sun is out.. Hmmm, might have to make a phone call. Who else is up and about today!



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006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif I finally was able to fly on Saturday afternoon, amazing how much you miss it when you cant get airbourne. The wind sock was blowing a little too strong for my liking though. 12 knots, 340 deg (RWY35 was being used) . It was manageable, instructor thought it best he stayed in the Jab since on the ground was gusty and with some extra weight, so much more stable.


We also decided on using one stage flaps on final instead of full flaps, found myself using 2400 revs instead of 2000. Faster approach and felt quite good powering through the winds, settled nicely on the runway, instead of around 70 knots, more like 75 - 80 knots. GS was about 63 knots i noticed on GPS. All in the learning curve i do admit.


I have been lucky that most of my training days have been in good weather, i was happy to mix it up and be more tricky then my other days.


If winds are calm on Wednesday or Thursday, will probably do solo circuits , Fingers crossed.


Im sitting on 21.2 hours now . Learning to fly would have to be the best thing i have ever done.


Those who might find it difficult in some stages of learning, dont give up. Pushing through this will be so worthwhile in the years to come.


Cheers to all those new pilots starting up.





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Another eventful flight today! 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif


Sunny day, listened to AWS, no wind 9am. Ripper! By the time i prechecked the Jab and started it up, wind was up to 11knots. WHAT THA! Luckily no crosswind. taxiied out and took off with instructor in plane, few circuits on RWY35, no worries, once again not full flaps, smoother landing. After about 4 circuits, instructor said , let me out. RIghto, its SOLO circuit time.


Well, this was going to be fun with a nice head wind and ripper tail wind on downwind. I still am amazed how quick this dam think launches with one person . I was doing crosswind before end of runway. That 500ft really comes up quick.


Downwind checks done, make sure Carb heat on early, start base. All is fine , setup final and down we go. Smooth as, very happy with first landing and off we go again. The next 3 were also quite good, with one hairy rollout on ground. All under control. :big_grin:


I listened to AWS again, said 13 knots , righto, this will be last before she gets any stronger.


Annouced Full stop and approached well and she sort of wanted to float as faster speed.. But she settled well and i pulled up a little after taxiway.. Did a u turn on runway and taxiied back to hangar. Instructor seemed pleased which is good, plus i brought his Jab back in one peice. Yippee.011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif


Nexy day of flying will be Friday, fingers crossed.


All going well!





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I am launching again Sunday 3pm, looking forward to be amongst it again! I dare say will be doing more solo circuits, wait and see. Winds have been pretty bad again, Instructor had to cancel 2 today due to anything from 16knots upto 22 knots. Monday rain forecast, Tuesday not so good either.



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More traffic and wind!


Ive been back up twice since last post.


Sunday 22/08 (SOLO) , clear day, strong headwind which was fine on landing, also had to deal with Rex approaching from Sydney, asked nicely if i could extend downwind to allow him in, chopper also came in and landed , couple of other training aircraft on runway which caused a go around for me while on final, all good practice as far as im concerned. Rex pilot quite happy as he left runway , acknowledging me for allowing him to slot in. Who am i going to argue with , larger and faster plane, not only that, he might help me out one day. 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


Wednesday 25/8 - Rather windy day, approx 15 knots at 280. It was bloody freezing, i dont normally feel the cold , but i did yesterday while pre checking Jab. I was happy to climb in and wait for instructor. So happy it didnt need fuel, or my hands would of been frozen. Watching wind sock and listeding to AWS, knew this was going to be a interesting ride. Too windy for SOLO . We took off on 35 and headed to training area, practiced some approaches to a local club members private strip, that was also quite good. Bit high on first approach, second time around was fine. Still very windy as we came in over his small dam at start of runway.


We headed back to Circuit as now the rwy 26 was open for my abnormal circuits, saved me landing in quite strong cross wind. A couple of emergency landings thrown in for good measure. Quite happy with those , has been a couple of weeks since my last practice with throttle at idle, always a good idea as you dont know when a engine might fail.


I have to say, the learning experience with Central West Flying has been brilliant! Thanks Chris. A great flying school and instructor.


If weather allows us, might be heading off to Oberon in the J230 for pics of snow.. !





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Been back up again on Monday 30th Aug, early fog disappeared for a clear day of flying! Jab160 fueled up and ready to roar. No wind at all, so 35 was again the pick of the runways. Instructor with me for the first 30 min or so, we landed and taxiied back so we didnt hold up other aircraft in the circuit, i was back out on my own once again. It was very good experience to mix with the many aircraft in circuit , probably the busiest day so far. I made a few more circuits solo and it was a great day.


Later that day instructor asked me if i was free for a flight over some dams after all the rain. We headed off in the Jab230 , i flew while he took pics of the amazing landscape and dams overflowing at several areas near Bathurst. At first we tracked south towards training area and Ben Chifley dam, many photos taken by Chris with myself enjoying flying the jab in some good tight turns and basically learning handling of this larger faster aircraft! We then headed over towards Oberon Dam, we approached from the Western part of the dam over Black springs road, this dam still has along way to go prior to overflowing. My many years as a kid In oberon, ive seen this dam overflowing many times, shame it wasnt the case this time. We then headed towards Lake Lyell near Lithgow, another amazing area which i havent ever seen from the air. Some of these photos will make it into the local papers, Western Advocate, Oberon Review in the following days.


After a few more orbits around Lake Lyall to allow Chris to get some good pics with sun showing up on the dam, it was amazing.. It was time to head back towards Bathurst, not without some photos of Tarana, Oconnell area . Certainly great experience for myself as i will be jumping into the Jab 230 soon for all my Navs. Its a powerful beast, with an easy cruise of 110 knots.


Arriving back towards Bathurst we did our inbound call myself setting it up for landing, rather different to the J160 due to larger wings, really wants to fly. Backed the throttle off to almost idle and down we head, instructor stayed on controls as i brought the J230 in, talk about glide alright. It settled down nicely on runway for my first landing in the 230. So different, but a great day.


The learning continues, the hour count is approx 26 now. Hopefully weather holds off for Thursday flight.


Cheers All





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Awesome news man, great work.


What you reckon about the 230? easier to land? When I first got checked out on a 230 for the first time, I was pleasantly surprised by the way it settles into the landing.


Keep it up.



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Thanks Tomo! Love this flying bug! I will admit, the J230 is very solid and sturdy plane. When the engine starts it sounds real good! An extra couple of cylinders helps. Dont get me wrong, the J160 is a great plane and love flying it, the speed and the larger feel of the 230 is unreal. It did seem to settle down on the runway more smoothly and positive! I think the extra weight of the engine would help with this, also the larger wing span certainly makes it want to fly. Both Jabs are great planes! J230 is a winner for sure.



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