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Electric power


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Extract from the latest RVator, the Vans aircraft online magazine. Dick Van Gruesen is known as one of the thinkers and straight shooters of the homebuilt aircraft design fraternity and I found it interesting and a little disappointing to read that in the case of electric power for aircraft, as with so many other emerging technologies, promises seem to have run well out ahead of delivery049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif. Maybe I'll have to wait a little longer before adding an "elec" endosement........


"A year ago, following AirVenture 2009, I wrote an


article on electric powered airplanes from my perspective


as an owner/operator of one. I compared and contrasted


my actual electric aircraft operating experience


with the reports and projects being published. Since


then, the “press release” news has continued, and I


have continued operating my electric self-launch


Antares 20e sailplane. Since June of 2009, I have


logged over 400 hours of flight time. Just 15 hours of


this was “under power”, usually five or ten minutes at a


time. This practical application experience has put me


in a different position than most people writing or talking


about electric airplanes.


In our field of interest and endeavor, the calendar


year runs from “Oshkosh to Oshkosh”. This year, again,


there were a lot of talks and programs about electric


airplanes, but not much action.


Yuneec had another very interesting POC airplane


on display. With a low wing and fixed tractor powerplant,


it would normally be classed as a motorglider. It


featured a single retractable landing gear and a folding


prop to minimizing drag for soaring rather than motor


flight. It really looks more like a self-launch sailplane


than a general purpose sportplane or motorglider. I


don’t mean this to be a bad thing, but rather a concession


to the realization that electric technology is not


ready for prime time GA; certainly not ready to power


an airplane like the Cessna 150 or Katana. Neither of


the Yuneec airplanes flew at Oshkosh this year. I


heard that they had a system failure of some sort which


prevented them from being able to fly.


One of the leaders in electric airplanes has been


Randal Fishman with his ‘Electraflyer’ aircraft. Starting


with a weightshift trike several years ago, he advanced


to the Electraflyer C — an electric motor powered Moni


airplane in which he flew demonstrations at Oshkosh


and Lakeland for a couple of years. He had a very nice


looking Electraflyer-X prototype on display at Airventure


2009 but hadn’t flown it by Sun’N’Fun 2010, where it


was on static display . I did not see or hear of it at Oshkosh


this year, so don’t know what its current (pun intended)


status is. The last entry on his website is dated


July 2009.


My friend Dave Nadler had his Antares electric sailplane


on display at Oshkosh again this year and performed


flight demonstrations during the airshow on two


days. I’m not aware of any other electric airplane flying


there this year, so the Antares sailplane still appears to


be the industry leader. There are about fifty of them


operating worldwide in the hands of private owners.


Some have been in operation for five years or more.


This would indicate that their system obviously works


well, demonstrating that they have achieved a good


level of operational reliability.


Interestingly, the Antares does not get much attention


from the aviation press, probably because it is a


single seat, special purpose, quite expensive airplane.


Why can’t the Antares electric motor system, or a similar


level of technology be incorporated into a more general


purpose airplane like the Yuneec or Electraflyer?


It probably can, but I assume that these folks are


working through the teething problems that the Antares


people struggled with 10 years ago. It’s also possible


that the folks at Yuneec, et al, are trying to develop a


more affordable package, and thus not able or willing to


“buy” the expensive components that have contributed


to the success level that the Antares has demonstrated.


Since the aviation press is not yet able to treat us


to pilot reports of operating electric aircraft, here’s a few


words about my experience.


According to the factory information, the Antares


has enough battery power to climb to approximately


9000 ft. at my normal operating weight. I have never


verified this, and do not feel that it could be done in a


single “open the tap and go” motor run. My experiencehas been that the indicated battery power starts to drop


more rapidly after about 3000 ft. of climb. Normally, the


motor is stopped and retracted at about this time; the


start of a soaring (or gliding?) flight. After a few minutes


following motor shut-down, the battery power indication


will rebound by 10-15%. I have also found that


by reducing the power to just enough to sustain level


flight (about 25% output), the battery power will rebound


somewhat and then drop slowly, commensurate


with the low draw.


It would seem that the batteries need to be “rested”


periodically to re-balance themselves, either by shutting


them off or operating them at a much lower continuous


power draw like the “low cruise” mode.


On an ideal flight, I would launch, using battery


power to take off, and contact a thermal within a mile or


so of the departure end of the runway. I would center


the thermal, reduce power to 50% or less and establish


that a positive climb rate is probable with no power. At


that point, somewhere between 1500 and 2000 ft. altitude,


I would stop the motor and retract motor pylon.


The high-performance airplane would continue to climb


and soar for hours without need to use motor to remain


aloft. Total battery use would be 10-15%.


A sample flight for a “poor” soaring day might be:


Take-off and climb at about 80% power to 3,000 ft., at


which time the power meter will be indicating about


60% or less. After turning the motor off and retracting


it, the power level will rebound to about 70%.


At a later point in the flight, I might find myself running


out of thermals, altitude, and ideas. I extend the


motor and climb about 1500 ft. in the process of getting


to another thermal (or getting enough altitude to glide


back home). In the process, the power meter may


drop to around 35-40% and then rebound to about 50%


as the batteries re-balance themselves. Tallying up, I


would have climbed a combined total of 4500”: half of


the specified performance capability, and used about


half of the battery energy. My real world experience


has basically validated factory claims.


In the real world, I am rarely climbing in stable air.


While climbing in sinking air, often unavoidable while


trying to reach the area of the “house thermal” energy


goes away quickly as the altimeter slowly winds upward.


The reverse is true when the thermal gods smile


on me, so the above examples are based on averages.


During a long soaring flight, the flight instrumentation


and radio will use about 2-4% of the battery energy,


not enough to seriously deplete the energy available


for a “save” if needed.


Another characteristic of my system is that the motor


should not be operated at high power (high battery


discharge) when any of the battery temperatures are


below 20 deg. C. When soaring at higher altitudes (low


outside temps.), the battery temps can easily drop below


20 deg. C. To assure that the motor can be used if


needed, there is a built-in battery heating system. The


batteries draw from their own energy to heat themselves.


This obviously reduces the available energy by


a small amount. Normally, I do not activate the battery


heater unless the flight is not going well and I feel that I


may need to use the motor in the next 5 minutes or so.


I do not waste energy keeping the batteries warm during


an entire flight.


If I should be distracted with the challenge of soaring


flight and overlooked heating the batteries, I can still


run the motor at low power (level flight or slight climb)


while the batteries are heating. The problem is that


cold batteries do not deliver energy well and may be


damaged by attempting to draw high output when cold.


This is true for other common type batteries as well.


This is why your car may not crank well, or at all, in


really cold conditions.


Most of the general purpose electric sportplanes being


developed or proposed quote flight duration available


from their batteries. Its safe to assume that these


flight times are based on low power settings and


“economy cruise/ loiter” speeds. However, unless one


is to cruise at an altitude of 10 ft., a fair amount of energy


is needed to reach even a modest cruise altitude.


In the case of my Antares, normal climb rate of 5-6


hundred fpm requires a power draw about 4 times that


of level flight. So, a large percentage of the available


energy is used just getting to altitude. I suppose that at


the end of the flight, gliding back down to landing with


the motor throttled or shut off, some of this can be offset.


Still, it’s a factor to consider, as would be traffic


pattern delays at the end of a flight.


The bottom line is that, from my experience, electric


aircraft operation is not necessarily as “plug-and-play”


as some advocates would like you to believe. In some


respects, it is. For instance, operating the motor is as


simple as pushing a lever forward----the equivalent of


ignition, primer, starter, throttle, mixture control, etc., all


in one operation. On the other hand, there are concerns


such as the limited energy (range) available, and


the battery temperature issue. We can continue to


hope for breakthroughs to alleviate these concerns, but


in reality we probably must not expect more than incremental


gains in the near future."



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Battery power assisted flight.


G,day All, Interesting read! Mate and I are building a Mike Sandelan GOAT4 ulrtralight


primary glider. Launch means are under consideration and we are quite interested in the developing model a/c technologies which utilise Li/Po energised "outrunner" motors. The


most powerful example to date is eqivalent to a 20 h/p 2 stroke! This weighs around 2.5kg and with enough battery capacity to run for around 15 minutes will only weigh twice this.Of course the mission will be similar to that described in the foregoing article,


not a cruising sport plane. This type of power unit would have been unthinkable not many years ago. Let the march of development proceed apace. Regards, Don



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Guest disperse

I'm of the belief that electric powered vehicles including planes. Is just waiting for either the right storage system (battery) or the right production ie: Hydrogen cells and the like.



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Saw a piece on ABC - may have been Catalyst, that talked about using nano-tech to create capacitors that used much less mass to store electricity and could be charged quickly at high rates. This is the type of advance that will unlock potential in electric flight.



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'Super caps' (very high value capacitors) are a fantastic advance but one problem is that unlike a battery a capacitors voltage decreases at a linear rate during discharge. They are a great addition to supplement battery power to assist with periods of high current draw for example but using capacitors for power alone? I suggest not anytime real soon. Been wrong before of course....:)



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