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Sligh ol bugger


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Old fella gets talking to a real good looker at the bar..............sugests they go for a late lunch just down the road...........his shout. Ok she says, so down the road they begin to walk, passing a jewellry shop, he sugests they have a quick gander. He tells the shop assistant he wants a reeeel nice ring for a present to a friend, assistant pulls out a $5000 one............no says ol fella, i want a really good one, so assistant comes back with a $50,000 one..............great he says, then asks the young woman with him, if she also liked it, she sayed it was unbelievable.............actually he says, i was buying it for you.........she was beside herself. Ok says ol fella to the assistant, it's late friday, you are about to close, i will pay you in full now by cheque, you get the cheque cleared monday am, then give me a call, and we will be back in to pick it up monday......call me


Monday morn ol fella get's a call..........sorry sir your cheque bounced, that's Ok says ol fella................i've just had one hell of a weekend.006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif



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