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Welcome to the Club AlF !!!


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After years of chiding closed cockpit aircraft flying, Alf has finally taken the plunge and had a flying lesson in the Jabiru J160. The beaming smile as you exited the aircraft says it all. Welcome to the club ALF and with your talents you will surely make as good a closed cockpit pilot as you were in the Microlight. Talk about the Dark side !!!!!!





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After years of chiding closed cockpit aircraft flying, Alf has finally taken the plunge and had a flying lesson in the Jabiru J160. The beaming smile as you exited the aircraft says it all. Welcome to the club ALF and with your talents you will surely make as good a closed cockpit pilot as you were in the Microlight. Talk about the Dark side !!!!!!011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif

Geez Doc,


I was only smiling cause it was cold and it had cabin heat + I was in my shorts and T shirt and didn't have my trike flying suit on.


Actually it was quite fun seen as though it has been 23 years since i was training in a 172.


Damn those Jabs are touchy in the rudder especially while taxiing + in the trike when you push right on the steering bar the thing goes left, took a bit of concentrating not to look like a drunk weaving my way down the runway while back tracking.


Overall I was very impressed with the 160, very roomy probably more roomy that a 172 + you dont have to duck down much to see under the wing.


Only thing I found was the ground moves under you much quicker than the XT 912.


So all you 160 owners out there i think you have a very nice comfortable good performance aircraft even if it has commodore pistons in it lol.




Alf (Partially dark side convert)



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