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Wedderburn Open Day - 14 November 2010

old man emu

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I went over to Wedderburn today because they had an Open Day. The people who have hangars there had thier planes out, and a lot of folks flew in, other people drove in. It was good to see young families wandering about, taking it all in.


There was a nice collection of aircraft there. It was nice to go onto an airfield where Cessnas and Pipers were well in the minority. Ther was even a display of scale models by the radio control guys from the Appin club.


At this sort day it's usual to have old cars and such. It was nice for a change to see some vintage dirt track speed cars. Brought back the sounds and smells of Saturday nights at the Speedway Royale at Sydney Showground. There were vintage bikes, and I had a chuckle to myself when I saw a 125 cc Suzuki from 1967. Heck. I remeber when they were new!


I must say I was impressed by the appearance of the airfield, especially aroung the hangars. Everything was so nice and neat. No bits and pieces of junked aircraft thrown any old where. The new tar sealed taxiways looked beaut, and the concrete apron around the fuel pump was spot on.


Congratulations to the members of the club for taking pride in your home.





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Guest burbles1

I was there for an hour. The number and variety of aircraft were down from the previous year. No Red Baron, no GA8 Airvan, no Cri-Cri. The model aircraft displays were pretty amazing though. I saw a Rans Airaile land and thought they might have put it on display, but I had to hunt around for it near a hanger for a look-see - there was enough room in the main display area for a few more aircraft. Good to see that HEON made it down - the Super Petrel looks impressive.



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