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Getting around

Guest burbles1

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Guest burbles1

When you go on a day trip or longer, what do you do for transport? Do you hire a car from somewhere? Take a taxi or bus into town? Take a folding pushbike with you? Or just camp under the wing? Just thinking through some ideas at the moment.



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One thing you will find burbles, is that more often then not, there's a friendly RAA pilot around somewhere who will give you a lift. If not, we usually hire a car. Actually, once at moree a guy chucked his keys to his bommadore at me and said just put it back out the front when your finished, lol. I was there for 4 days due stress of wx. I gave him a case of beer for the favour, which we enjoyed finishing off together..lol...ahhh, i love getting stuck sometimes..;)



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Guest Maj Millard

You do get pretty good at finding towns with airports real close by. Like Motz I have also had the car keys thrown at me (Chinchilla) which is nice, and yes often there's a helpfull RAA person (South Grafton, Casino, Taree) more than happy to help out.


Occasionally it's a 1-2 Klm walk to town for a beer and bed, and sometimes that walk can be just what you need after a days' flying.


The Dingo roadhouse in central Qld is one of my favorites with strip right out back, and then you taxi up and park for the night right next to the resturant, and air-conditioned accomodation.. Often the only choice is to roll out the sleeping bag under the plane for the night, which ain't too bad either.......................................... Enjoy.............Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Have you got the co ords for dingo, it just what i need to save a heap of time, a feed and fuel spot on.


Dont matter, i didnt think i had the rocky map with me but i do, shouldnt be too hard to find i shouldnt think.



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