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9 gliders and a tug.

Guest ozzie

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Guest studentbiggles

Thanks for sharing Ozzie........Arn't they beautiful A/C...................God I miss flying our lovely "Old" Blanik..............So sad to see her with her wings all folded up and "Mothballed" at the far back of the Club hangar!


That take off would have taken some organising and I was LOL at the ground crew "Bolting" very smartly off the runway at 90 degrees!...........What a beautiful formation they made..............By God that tug had some grut to.


Cheers Alley



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At the start of the clip, it lists the tug as a Z-137T (Zlin). Google says 520hp Walter 601 turbine.


Odd side note... It was developed from the LET Z37, so they kept the whole formation in the family (sort of)



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