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My fIrst nav

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It's been 3 weeks now sence I done my first nav with my great instructor Wayne young from warnervale air.... I still can not wipe the smile off my face every day that i think about it.. The weather was great a little cloud at about 4500 feet so did not get to my planed 6500 feet but that was ok. We set off at 0920 and headed for cesnock than overhead to Braxton, muselbrook singleton than a landing at scone.. Was a little nervous coming in to scone as my usual train line that Is at warnervale circuit paten was not there for my distance but worked it all out good and landed. I was amazed at the size of the runway compared to what you could call The landing strip at warnervale if you have flown at warnervale you will know what I mean (lol). Just after a 5 minute stop and regroup of my maps at scone i take off with Wayne saying ok now we are not going to weirwa change of plans head straight to denman felt a little nervous but got the amended flight plane worked out and all went well getting back to Warnervale... The next nav is to tamworth I can't wait!!!


my dream of flying is finally coming true after 18 years :clap2:



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Congrats on the trip.


It is fun doing the first nav.


Just wait until you do your first SOLO nav. That is even more fun.


It sounds like you have the idea of scoping out a new airport down pat. Some people get real worried and stuff up the circuit/approach. But it sounds like you have that under control.


I just hope the weather holds out for you and you get a good flight to Tamworth and back.



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Well done Jayz. I'm just about to start navs too and am pretty excited. I also know what you mean about telling other people about it! I tell my wife about my flying for the day and she says - "That's nice dear" and then tells me all about her day at work - as if I care about that!



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Thirsty I know what u mean I tell my partner and it's i don't want to know it to dangerous i wish you would stop don't you read the news those little planes just drop out of the sky.... Trying to explain that if you got it all good best glide angle of attack and speed you have 1min for every 500 feet you can get down ok in most cases if you are on it straight away and are quick to act lol never sinks in but makes me laugh...



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Yeah it's funny and frustrating at the same time! When I got back into motorcycles a few years ago my wife wasn't interested but now she has her own bike, a Learner licence and we do long trips on my St1100 regularly! Maybe I can convince her to get her cert some time :)



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David Isaac I think Wayne young is great at first when i started flying I thought that I was going to be crap at the theory side of things espacily as I hated school... After a few lessons with Wayne young and his method of teaching and great explanation I was over the moon how I felt I picked it all up.. Also with everyone I guess I get really nervous with the tests and that so I put my GFPT flight test off for about 3 months, just going back and doing revision, than wyane said that's it I am booking you in an that's that lol I did the test and passed.. Also like flying with young Andrew the instructor as well



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It is hard especially when you love some thing so much I usually just go and dont say anything wake up and go early, after my nav to scone was not till I got home that I said anything about it



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I know where you're coming from for sure.


With your navs, what methods are you being taught? 6 min or 10 mile? Mostly pilotage with some DR or mostly DR with some pilotage? I think it's interesting that we all learn from different instructors who teach differently. I know the instructors where I am teach slightly differently to each other.



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I am stinging to go up in the Citabria last year for Christmas i bought a voucher for both my Chef and my Waitress at work for a 40min flight in the Citabria, the spin was i did not tell them till we got to Warnervale the look on there faces was just terror.. when they both got down from there flight they said it was the best thing that they have ever done.. So now just for my turn lol. After speaking with Wayne a few week ago it is such a shame that the Citabria is not getting to fly much these days. When i am talking to any one if at work or friends i am always pushing it as the perfect gift for ether birthday or Christmas gifts..i did a lot of my training with young Andrew and when i booked in the flight i asked him to take them up and give them the ride of there life and he sure did that they still talk about it to this day



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hey i have flown with 4 different instructors up to my GFPT and they were all very different form one and other, One instructor young Andrew i call him would be like early 30ish and the oldest i am guess is Wayne the owner of Warnervale Air he would have to be late 50s i am guessing. For the first nave we did not go to much in to it but i am going with the 6 min method and mostly pilotage with some DR



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  • 3 months later...

I was introduced to the 10 minute marker method by an ex WW11 pilot instructor many years ago.


His reason for 10 minute track markers was to make the mathematics simple. Easier to divide time by 10 than 6 to get position by time.


Also, and we no doubt agree, is a soon as our feet leave the ground our IQ seems to drop by 10%.





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