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Agh.. Sonex Manuals??

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I was informed last night at Theroy that the aircraft that I fit into and am training in has been sold off by the Flight School... Great... the only aircraft that can house my 6ft7 frame has been sold off (Foxbat 22ALS) and sadly I dont fit in any of the other aircraft that they have. My FI told me this last night, but he's let me know that they may be able to get there hands on a Sonex that is on the field and cross hire it for the purpose of getting the taller lads airbourne, If its not the rain or bad conditions, its no bloody planes... AGH!!!


Enough Complaints, the purpose is to get my hands on plenty of reading material so at least I know where the basics are in this aircraft for flights on the weekend, hopefully, if it doesnt rain etc ...


Can Anyone help out with an electronic copy, finding them seems to be rather hard for some reason (hope there not controlled or anything like that!)


Much appreciated in advance,





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As far as I can tell, the Sonex is a kit-build aircraft. You're therefore not going to find an official flight manual anywhere, as it's up to the builder to develop the manual themselves. If you search through Sonex forums or mailing lists, you may come across someone who's willing to share. Is said aircraft a 19- reg?



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Thanks All, Looks like my wings have been clipped for the next 6-8 weeks at least, this has fallen through at the school, so at least I get to read my books... You can purchase a sonex manual online, but its $20.00 and an unknown shipping cost...



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I am assuming by that comment that because it may be experimental/home built cross hiring may not be legal, rather than making a comment like that and leaving new guys like myself wondering even more, could you perhaps pass the wisdom on that others have given you :) When I called up on saturday to find out what was going on, apparently this has fallen through or they've gone in another direction, 3 months of trying and only have 2 hours to show in my book! I hate to say it but GA is looking better and better all the time!



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Sorry to hear that you're struggling to get anywhere with the training. The basic inference being made here is that training in an experimental (19- reg) is not permitted unless it's your own aircraft. There may be other circumstances where it's ok, but basically an aircraft used for flight training must be 24- registered (for more modern types) and maintained by a L2 engineer.



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