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Aviation Headsets


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Hi every one, I was hoping there was someone out there that can give me advice on what they think of the


Sennheiser HME 95, are they any good ?? if not what is good around that price range.


Thank You



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Hi Bell47,


I don't own any headsets yet so I can't answer your question, but it really seems to be a matter of opinion from what I've seen in my research. I've heard/read great and also terrible reviews of the HME 95s. I have a soft spot for Sennheiser because their hi-fi phones are great. The RecFly headsets at the pilot shop on this site are supposed to be very good for the price, but again, I have no experience with them.


If you do get some HME95s I'd love to hear what you think. Good luck!



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I purchased a Lightspeed Zulu....love it heaps. Noise cancellation and bluetooth were my main reasons for purchasing it. Cost wise, I think it set me back about $800. I also use them in the car travelling long distances whilst listening to podcasts by Plane Crazy Down Under. I basically bought the thing sight unseen.



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