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It's pretty much a ducting system, as in, the fan is in the base, and the air is directed and exits around the parameter of the rim, creating a slight ventury effect. Would be an interesting concept for an aircraft, not sure if it would be efficient enough for it though?



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Richard Hammond did a series on TV about big machinery and it included the A380. The same augmented concept that makes this fan work is also used to inflate the emergency slides in the required time. They did an experiment with a long sausage shaped tube and tried to inflate it with a small tank of air. fail. they then repeated the experiment with a augumenter made of cardboard fitted and the result was amazing. plenty of bottled air left after full inflation. As the compressed gas in blown into the slide the device draws extra accelerated outside air into the slide. I have also seen this concept used on the Bell 47 helicopter Soloy turbine conversion where the exiting exhaust is used to pull fresh air throught the oil cooler. very clever but simple.





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It could start to raise a few questions if you used the drive system with a lifting body type design as it would induce a large airflow over the body if installed as a pusher. Recycled exhaust gases? The Spitfire gained 20 knots from the below wing mounted radiator heat exchange.


It might be interesting to run an experiment with an old turbo being driven by a lawn mower motor (with some gearing) to see what type of trust outputs are generated. It would basically be a single stage turbine with an induced extremely high bypass rate.



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The same augmented concept that makes this fan work is also used to inflate the emergency slides in the required time. Ozzie

Dyson calls it "Air Multiplier" Technology. Not really anything that radical or new but no-one else has done it so they can charge heaps for these fans.



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