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Busy day at Ballarat

Guest Decca

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Guest Decca

Allowing myself the opportunity to begin a new thread here because it’s been an almost life changing day for me. So it could be the first AND last post - you’ve all been there before. Arrived at Ballarat Aero Club having booked a TIF, & full of stories from this forum about how kind & forgiving a Gazelle is. Also been watching the adventures of CrashLander. You’re doing well CL!


D… arrived in his SE5A replica to get a (bi-annual?) done by the instructor who was going to do my TIF. What a magnificent little homebuilt aero plane.


Briefing time: JO took in my answers to all his questions, showed me a preflight, & off we went (in the club's new 2nd hand Gazelle). It was supposed to be ½ hour but I said I’ll keep throwing money at you ‘til you’ve got more important things to do. Just as well I took the credit card! So you know what it’s like: copied all the basic things he showed me incl a few 30deg banked turns on the way out to the training area, then he demonstrated a “stall” & a “deeper stall” followed by a couple of 60deg banked turns “to get down quickly to circuit height”. I think he was testing me out on something I said in the briefing! My turn again, took over on downwind, turned base, final, carried out what I thought was a pretty good approach, & THEN LANDED THE BLOODY THING!!! Of course JO talked me thru it but fair dinkum he never touched the stick! Now I know how you guys feel when you say you can’t take the smile off your face after your first solo.


First Sunday of the month the friendly club next door (SFTS) holds a seminar & BBQ. Who should rock up for this but our very own forum administrator, wearing his CT. Too bad you missed out seeing the SE5A Ian! Another surprise was meeting Chris & Kerry (now Ballarat locals) there as well. Nice to meet some forum people & give the names a face. The seminar had a lot of good information as usual, worth it just for BBQ actually. Well done Jet Girl & Company (& get well soon).


What’s my next move? Better get a job so I can pay for my next lesson!


Regards, Decca.



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Guest Crash Lander

Oh dear. I'm afraid it's not good news. You've got a serious case of what I like to call "Gazelle Fever".


I'm sorry to tell you, there is no cure.


You are destined to spend every spare cent, and every spare minute devoted to getting up in the air.


Good luck, and congratulations!!!;) 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



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Guest Kerry

Hey Decca!! :big_grin:


It was good to meet you on Sunday, I really am enjoying the monthly seminar day...learning heaps about lots of stuff I dont know much about!!006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif Not really...I'm just there for the food! LOL!!;) And the great company!!:big_grin:


Sounds like you had a great time in the Gazelle, it looks like such a fun plane - Chris is a big fan too! So I'm looking forward to going up in "Tweety" when we get the chance! It will be fun to fly something other than a Jabi for a change!


See you at the next one!



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Guest Decca

Thanks everyone. You’ve made me feel very welcome. Crash L I’m addicted; I’ve been in self denial all those years! Thanks again Ross, Chris & Kerry. Tweety is a cute name for a canary yellow Gazelle, it’s certainly not a yellow peril. It will be nice to meet a lot more of you if I can get up to Camden Haven.


Regards, Decca. Fly Safe.



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