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Plane makes emergency landing Bringelly

Guest Fred Bear

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Guest Fred Bear

A Cessna has made an emergency landing just near our house here. Seems all occupants are ok.



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Guest David C

Would that be the 4 seater aircraft " crashing " near Bringelly as being reported on Sydney radio .





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Guest Fred Bear

I'd say so Dave. Gee, we flew that country the other day. Infact, I think I posted a pic of us flying that area! Further news:


Light plane crash lands at Bringelly


Monday May 7 18:49 AEST


A light plane has made a forced landing in a paddock in Sydney's far south-western outskirts.


The four-seater aircraft with two men on board crash-landed in a paddock at Bringelly at about 5.30pm (AEST), police said.



The two men were believed to be uninjured and a rescu helicopter was at the isolated scene, police said



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Guest David C

At least they didn't plop it into that beautiful blue pond at the brickworks .. Any idea of the type and owner yet Darren .??





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From another forum.




I flew over the top, looked like they were ok from the air apart from being surrounded by about 40 very curious cows. Could see both people walking and they sounded ok on 124.55. 100% a C152, MFG. They reported "engine trouble" around 5:15pm then shortly after a mayday. They called from the ground saying they were both alright. Aircraft appeared to be all in 1 piece.



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Guest Fred Bear

Brucs' info is right Dave.Good result this time and yes,good thing they did not make it into that pond!:yuk:


Pilots escape injury in emergency landing - Bringelly


8 May 2007


Two men have had a lucky escape after they were forced to make an emergency landing when their light plane experienced engine trouble over Camden, on Sydney’s south-western outskirts.


The 22-year-old trainee pilot and his 38-year-old instructor were forced to land the two-seater Cessna 152 aircraft in a paddock on The Northern Road at Bringelly about 5.40pm yesterday (Monday 7 May), after it lost power.


The plane landed safely and the pair was uninjured in the incident.


Emergency services personnel attended the scene a short time later.


Police from Camden Local Area Command are continuing their inquiries into the incident.


Air Transport Safety Bureau officials will also conduct their own investigation.



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