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Flying with grandad.

Guest DJH

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As my 9 Y.O. grandson Daniel had recently joined the Air League, I was asked to take him up for a short flight. We did one circuit to see how he'd go, he really enjoyed it. I think he's still grinning. The video was taken at The Oaks using a phone camera.




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Good on you, I now fly a lot with my 10 yo grandson(he beats the wife into the spare seat), he has autism but he loves flying with Poppy, he calls it "the angles backyard".





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Fantastic DJH! Can I jump in with a question, is there any age restriction with RA-Aus? One of the young Gnu's (for we are many) badly wants to fly with me, he's just turned four & was thinking he could perhaps ride in a child seat.



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Likewise, my 7 yr old grandson asked if he could go flying with me last week. As he is usually full of bravado until the action is imminent, I just took him for a quick circuit before attempting a longer flight. He just loved it, pointing out cars moving, a ship moving out of the harbour, etc. A longer flight with a landing on a farm strip confirmed his enthusiasm. It just took a cushion under him to raise him a bit higher in the seat. Why not encourage early interest in aviation?



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Guest Howard Hughes

This should answer your questions Gnu, I have taken my 4 year old for a fly recently (not RAA) and he was very safe (and could see out) in his car booster seat.


And this will give you the requirements regarding control/exit row seats.







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