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feeling more comfortable solo

Guest Bigfella

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Guest Bigfella

Everyone that has flown solo will know how exhilarating the first time is but as exciting as it is it's a fairly nerve racking experience, even the second solo I didn't really settle into it.


I've just completed my 3rd solo now which included 3 check circuits with my instructor then 6 circuits solo, something just clicked, for the first time solo I felt comfortable and confident in my ability, landings were good, flapless and normal, radio calls & traffic were good (@moorabbin) ect. ect.


I'm really starting to appreciate what an experience it is to fly!


For me next it's area solo before my GFPT, for anyone else early in their training the rewards aren't only at the end there's plenty to experience along the way!







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Something is starting to bug me... when did they change the abbreviation for 'Et cetera'? They didn't. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ETC


I see this a lot of recent... the ever evolving english language! I must be getting old and grumpy.


Now that that's off my chest - I hear that soloing the first time is a very emotional experience. I look forward to achieving solo one day but not before time of course, and also they freedom to fly away to where ever I wish to go.


Go for it Bigfella!





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Guest Bigfella

That's great thanks CB, I googled ect and got nothing, googled etc and surprise surprise there it is.


One of the things that fascinates me about flying is the physics and mathematics of it all, I'm a numbers man not a word man.



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Great to hear Bigfella, its a total hoot to be up there on your own and even more when you're loving it.


I recently got back from a flight at 8,000ft, over a broken layer of cloud sitting at 6,500ft or so. Loved every minute of it and highly recommend to others if you've never gone that high... although watch out for controlled airspace etc.


Keep up the good work, and remember to challenge yourself every flight as well as have fun. Be it nav accuracy, sideslipping, lookout for suitable forced landing spots or even just converting your IAS to TAS; keep yourself current, challenged and cheerful!


Cheers - boingk



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I loved going Solo. It took me a little longer that average but then I have never been average according to my wife. I then passed my flying exam and thought I had become a pilot. i now am more nervous and cautious than ever. I will practice and practice and get in some hours before tackling the Navs. As someone on here said (your certificate is just a licence to learn) and boy have I got a lot to learn. Keep flying. Keep safe and we will all get there in the end in our own time.



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