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Bad Apples


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I wouldn't worry, she is just the sort of cheap n disposable pilot Uncle Alan is looking for at Qantas (Asia):). Seriously though, the mind boggles that someone could get to that level ie. command on a jet, before her shortcomings became evident. I'm willing to bet there are a string of instructors who had doubts along the way but the system allowed her through - until now.



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Wasn't there some scheme operating in India where you could buy your Pilots Licence?

The big scandal over there came to a head a few months ago. Apparently the exams to go from co-pilot to pilot were compromised & quite a few got certified with cheated results. The big name airlines were affected as well, with some pilots arrested, I think one of them even absconded & had the police after him. Scary stuff. There was also something to do with flight schools alledgedly issuing forged Indian certification upon payment by pilots who had done basic training in the US & Canada.


Cheers, Willie.









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