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Has anyone got a working NAIPS APP on Android


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There appears to be no NAIPS app for android. But when searching the net rather then the play store there are a few relics around where people have had a go.


Is anyone got one that actually works ???


I know i can just user the browser and i also have my ipad, but i often would love to just use my phone when i want to check when i or my son has a flight later in the day etc.



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I have started playing with application development on Android. I'll let you know (I'll let everyone know) if I come up with anything worthy. So far, all I have managed to do is write a simple app that calculates my BMI and tells me I'm a fat slob. I hate software that connects with 'other entities' so that you're not sure what's happening under the bonnet, my apps will not do that, promise. For those familiar with programming, Android apps are basically written using Java and XML. Easy enough after bashing your head against a wall getting the install to work correctly.



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