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PPL to RPL J170D-J230D Question

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I've looked, but cannot find a comparison. Firstly background: PPL 200+ hours over 16 years. Haven't flown for 5+ years due illness (and gaps before that due lack of $$$). Now done about 4-5 hours in J170D. Differences from Warrior:


  1. rudder pedals are no longer just foot rests
  2. much more difficult (for me) to:

      line up
    • make a stable approach







[*]ground rush (where I just didn't get that sensation in a Warrior)


[*]rounding out too high (and consequently dropping it in)


[*]close to the ground, well like a rabid dog with epilepsy (although getting better)


[*]actually in the air, not too many issues (other than relearning what I had previously learned)


My question, is there much difference between the J170D and the J230D when it comes to the approach and landing, ie. is the slightly heavier J230D more stable?


Or, given same wings and a slightly bigger fuselage, does the J230D behave in precisely (or pretty much precisely) the same as the J170D?





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should've bought a 160 .......:cheezy grin:




Actually I haven't bought anything, I'm simply doing the conversion.





Thanks for that. I'd read the J170/J230 articles (and FWIW the J160/J12o articles). I'm sensing the J230 is probably a better fit for me, but the J230 at the flight school I'm with recently blew an engine - the day of my first flight, I was next in line, as they say 'timing is everything' (valve or something came loose and trashed the engine). So I am training in what's available.



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Thanks for that. I'd read the J170/J230 articles (and FWIW the J160/J12o articles). I'm sensing the J230 is probably a better fit for me, but the J230 at the flight school I'm with recently blew an engine - the day of my first flight, I was next in line, as they say 'timing is everything' (valve or something came loose and trashed the engine). So I am training in what's available.


Dont fret you will quickly adapt to all these lighter planes..I have flown many different types in the last 2-3 years and you will quickly get used to any of them once you get your motor skills dialed back in, your autonomous reactions and thought processes etc etc...


Just take some time and let yourself adapt to the lower inertia... it will be second nature soon enough, just like it used to be in the warrior :)



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Better to have it lose an engine before your flight than during your flight!


I found the J230 to be much nicer, and definitely more similar to a Warrior, than the J170. J170 has fairly anaemic climb.


Where are you training out of?



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