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Class 2 Medicals - CASA

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Many of you in this forum probably have to do the CASA Class 2 medical every 2 years and would be aware of the new ($130) fee introduced by CASA which they claim is the cost of processing the information submitted by the Designated Aviation Medical Examiners.


In view of the simplicity of the Class 2 medical and the fees charged by the doctors (up to $250..........I pay $145), I consider that the added $130 by CASA amounts to cross subsidsation of Class 1 holders as the assessment process has to take in more frequent ECG's, audiograms etc. Added to this, many aviation industry employers reimburse their pilots for this medical or at least the employees can claim the costas a tax deduction.


When you consider that many recreational pilots who hold a Class 2 medical only fly maybe 20 or 30 hours per year, the cost of the Class 2 medicalprocess is not inconsiderable.


CASA have called for submissions and have extended the deadline to 28 July 2006.


If you have an opinion on this and want to comment, this is the link:-





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