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Money in aviation? 008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif


More if there was a way to make say, $20k/yr revenue doing part-time lessons or whatever work, or even fly someone else's plane for free doing whatever for them, could gain a lot of experience and hours at an affordable cost. Basically, getting consistent flights without losing as much money, if there's a possible way it'd be an ideal world. Mitigating costs opposed to making money.



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Until you get your pilot certificate and get a few hours up I think talking about an instructors rating and getting paid is a little premature. I was a gliding and Raa-us instructor for 25 years before I retired and found that a lot of very good pilots did not/ would not make good instructors


This was more so when all they were thinking about was making a buck!


I am not saying that being able to make money from this activity is not a good thing but being able to teach people to fly takes a certain sort of person.


Anyway, best of luck with flying training if you take it up.



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Definetely, and it's not about making money, just making it affordable. Say, $20k/yr lessons, costs $25k = $5k/yr loss but tons of hours - great. $15-20k a year is just too expensive, that's a big chunk (nearly all really) that would go to savings. I'm not someone who is happy to spend everything they make, one eye on having fun now however one eye on the future. My job hardly existed 10 yrs ago, so making financial decisions as if it'll still be in big demand in 10 yrs is quite unwise.


You're right it's a while off, it'll be months before I can even do my second lesson. Simply scoping out possible options.



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That's not an aviation issue, it is a budgeting issue. Running a plane costs money, so it would be unreasonable for a flying school not to charge its students appropriately. I'm sure you can work it out, there are thousands of pilots in Australia who have....



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