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hi all


I just signed up for this site. It's looking really cool so far


A little intro - I'm Lizzy, 23 , have my ra-Aus cert and am working towards my Nav endorsement at the moment. I've Been flying for 1 yr now in a eurofox. Looking to work my way


Up to cpl in the next few years and have a career in aviation. Am really interested in meeting some fellow aviation enthusiasts/ professionals in particular anyone my age and female as I know very little people that fit in that catergory.


Thanks !



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Hi Lizzy,


As I am male and 61 I don't quite fit your category, but it is great to welcome you to this site and aviation in general - there are far too few lady pilots of any age !!


Best of luck with your training and I hope you get to have whatever career in aviation you are looking for.


Keep us informed of your progress, and feel free to ask any questions you may have - there are loads of people on this site with many years of experience, and I am sure they will be only too willing to assist you.







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Hi Lizzy,


Check out the Australian Women Pilot's Association (AWPA) Australian Women Pilots` Association They have career advice, networking with those already in the industry or training commercial / military pilots, and best of all - there are SCHOLARSHIPS which may suit you. They have conditions ... some are open to men also, some have age, membership or geographic restrictions etc. They range from ultralights to ATPL. Best to read through them. Most close in Jan 2017. Each year there are some under subscribed or not awarded, which is a disappointment. There could be one there for you. The conferences are also well worth attending - different State each year - Victoria's turn April 2017. AWPA also have achievement awards.


Enjoy browsing the RecFly forums! There are also great apps, resources & tutorials - free - see the menu to the left (on a PC)





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Hi Lizzy,Check out the Australian Women Pilot's Association (AWPA) Australian Women Pilots` Association They have career advice, networking with those already in the industry or training commercial / military pilots, and best of all - there are SCHOLARSHIPS which may suit you. They have conditions ... some are open to men also, some have age, membership or geographic restrictions etc. They range from ultralights to ATPL. Best to read through them. Most close in Jan 2017. Each year there are some under subscribed or not awarded, which is a disappointment. There could be one there for you. The conferences are also well worth attending - different State each year - Victoria's turn April 2017. AWPA also have achievement awards.

Enjoy browsing the RecFly forums! There are also great apps, resources & tutorials - free - see the menu to the left (on a PC)



Thanks sue! I did join the association last year but I felt that I didn't get much support or opportunity to meet and interact with members to continue paying the membership fee (flying is already expensive enough). I will check out the scholarships though thanks !



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