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Howdy, from Texas!


Been lurking about, on this group, hunting information.


I would be interested in finding details, information and, especially, photos of the Winton Jackaroo, and Cricket. Cute little machines, but information is scarce as rocking horse poo!


What can ya'll tell me about these planes, and their cousin, the Tyro?







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Welcome Everett. Bull - a user on this forum would be able to help you with those, having owned, maintained & flown in North Queensland Australia. If he hasn't responded here, I suggest giving him a PM - look him up on the Members list. You could also search for him and those planes on the forum - he did explain a bit.


Hope we can help you out.







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Howdy Everett,


I'm a Tyro MK2 pilot flying under and behind a Rotax 503.


An easy to handle aircraft the scarcity of which surprises me. However in a conversation with Mr Eastwood last year he explained that the Tyro was developed in a period when one could not sell ultralight aircraft. People purchased his plans and made minor changes during construction before registering as their own design and build. Therefore there are derivations not registered as Tyros.


With the 503 the Tyro is off the ground in a jiffy and gains height at an impressive rate.


I fly in a coastal region with some gusty winds which unsettle me at times. Despite my occasional trepidation or regret at having terra firma further from my tyres than I wanted, the Tyro just bounces along.


Often when I've cut short a flight due to my discomfort in the conditions I feel compelled to convert my full stop to a touch and go completing several circuts. The Tyro does in fact do as the website says 'handle strong winds' (not exact quote).


Fuel; I've 29 litres, would prefer 40 or 50.


Visibility excellent.


Can take a rough landing, though I did have to replace or straighten a couple of crush plates on the axle a few times when I started out. My poor technique to blame.


I'll see if I can get short video up if you want.


I recommend these as a great recreational aircraft for those who aren't chasing speed. Though 60 to 65 knots is not to be scoffed.





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Mine is plan built, not by me though. The difficulty now is that the fuselage spar isno readily available anymore.


I visited me Eastwood in 2016 and he had material in stock, however he'd had to buy in bulk for it to be produced.


Used aircraft come up in Australia for reasonable prices. The exchange rate is favorable to you guys again.



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I'd have to build from plans, mores the pitty. The shipping on a kit, or completed aircraft, would be tremendous.


You had mentioned a video: Any, and all, visual material would be very appreciated! Thanks!



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