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Hello to everyone, i have just retired and had service with the RAN at HMAS Albatross as an aircraft mechanic working on venoms/vampires/gannets then "converted" to Wessex 31B, Seakings and all other rotary aircraft the Navy had, i built a VP1 in 1988, i changed jobs to work on missiles and torpedos with the RAN. with a recent downturn in my wife's health i now look after her and am keen to get back into flying, my PPL from 1966 i plan to renewthis year.





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G'day Bob. Judging by the aircraft you worked on and that you were based at Albatross, I'm wondering if you ever worked with my father, Bob Ker. Dad was based at Albatross during the late sixties and early seventies. I know that he served on the Melbourne. When I was a young bloke, I remember going to the school at Albatross. I'm sure the married quarter we lived in was where the Army Parachute Training School is now located.


Enjoy your flying and the information from this forum - they're a great bunch. Hope things go well with looking after your wife.


Cheers, Mathew



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Hi Mathew,


yes i worked for and with your father, for him at the air training school and after with him on Venoms and the Wessex 31B and Iroquois.


He helped me get my LAME in 1977 and "tinkered" on the Volksplane I built that year, he would not go for a flight though????





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  • 2 months later...

Hi All,


I wish yo make an apology to Mathew Ker and his father. I can blame poor memory here it was a Petty Officer Penny who helped me build the VP1 and helped with the LAME exam studies as per the only construction photo I have the back of which details all the relevent information. Sorry Mathew.





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