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hoping to learn


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just new here, several years ago i went up in a trike at porepunka and loved it got all the books and things needed to get a licence to fly the things but then my industry suffered a downturn (dairyfarming) so was unable to fund taking it any further. this season is going better, then i saw a trike on e-bay for 8k buy it now or best offer, it looked pretty good but being the carefull type i asked a couple of questions re what maintenance costs it had coming up etc and while waiting for the sellers reply he accepted an offer for less than 7k, the auction still had 6 days to run ! very dissapointed. never mind it got the juices going again so i think i'll take a trip back over the mountain again (i live close to the gippsland lakes) soon to further my flying ambitions. Its a pity there doesn't seem to be a school any closer to me. Anyway sorry to be so long winded, hope i can learn plenty from you guys


regards Bill



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Welcome Bill


good to see you have come back to the udda end, and made a great decision to fly again, are you going to learn in a trike or three axis aircraft? Gippsland Lakes sound great. Is there plenty of feed at the moment, the cows over hear are doing it a bit tough to say the least!


Anyway great to see you along, We have a Flyin and Hangar Dinner on the 19th April 2008 if yu are over this way! Jamestown SA


Cheers Guy



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trike or 3 axis


Thanks Blueshed, I guess it will be a trike as i think they are the simplest and most economical to 'put my toe in the water with' (or should that read head in the clouds) the cows are going well due to a pretty good late spring.


Regards Bill



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