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crash landing bankstown yesterday

Guest Macnoz

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The Daily Telegraph has a more detailed blah about this along the lines of it being a twin engine and declared emergency due to landing gear failure.


Although I have read the "hard" version I cannot paste the link here because of other words in the site triggering webmarshall blocking access to the page.


Maybe try www.dailytelegraph.com.au yourself and search "bankstown"



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This happened right in front of me at 28am on Sunday.We were in Sydney for a few days and took the kids to Bankstown to check out the action.The plane was a Beechcraft Duchess and was taking off.My wife is also a pilot(with twin time)and we reckon by the way the plane was behaving it was probably an asymmetric engine failure or drill.Either way the wheels had just finished retracting as the nose was lowered at about 30ft.He established a good glide angle and we were waiting for the climb to start again,but it didn't.At about 3ft it was clear that we were looking at an incident.It touched down softly but bounced over a couple of bumps as it slid and turned close to 90deg right as it stopped 50-60m from the boundary fence.Funny thing about it though was they stayed in the plane for around 3 minutes after stopping.



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