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Cool! New WebTrak airport monitoring

Guest brentc

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I've been having a play with this today (working hard ;))...unfortunately it only works within about a 75KM radius of the major airports so just misses Kyneton...but you can do replays from any date / time, I "found" and tracked some of the guys who flew from Penfield and Bacchus Marsh to Shepparton last Sunday.



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That's neat. Just tracked a plane out of Adelaide bound for Melbourne. Waited until it was overhead my home then went out to see/hear it. Nothing. Haven't checked in detail, but is there a time delay?



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Guest basscheffers
There's a 40 minute delay actually, as real-time could have some security concerns.

They do realise that the schedules for these, uhm, scheduled flights are quite well known? Comes in handy when I try to catch a flight!

It probably is for security concerns, but only to the point where they are trying to look concerned about security. (or they really are that dumb to think that live feeds could have security issues)



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Guest basscheffers

Oh yeah, it is pretty cool though! I know these are supposed to exist for the US also, but I have never been able to find a good, working one. Anyone know of any?



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Guest Ruprect

A 20 million dollar website, I have just spent 5 mins on it and will probably never return. This website shows me various locations as to where would be a good spot to take my rocketlauncher and take a potshot should I wake up one day and realise terrorism is the only answer to the worlds problems. There would be far more public interest/usefulness if it was in realtimethumb_down



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Guest basscheffers
A 20 million dollar website

Where does that 20m come from? I don't believe that for one second. There may have been a 20m modernisation project that gave them the type of data feed (for more valid reasons) that could also be abused for this, but obviously they would not spend 20m just to get the website...


This website shows me various locations as to where would be a good spot to take my rocketlauncher and take a potshot

A missile like the Stinger has a ceiling of just 12000 feet. So the only place you could take a pot shot is near an airport and those approach paths are also well known. Want to target a specific flight? Bring your VHF radio!

Even if this was real time, it wouldn't give any bad folks any more opportunity than they have today.


Make it real time, I say!



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Guest Ruprect
Where does that 20m come from?

Even if this was real time, it wouldn't give any bad folks any more opportunity than they have today.


Make it real time, I say!

20 mill comes from the news reports. and I would believe they have spent that setting up all the major airports- from go to whoa. I am involved in the T1 upgrade at Sydney and the amount of money being wasted there is astounding. Its alright though, Mac bank has plenty and charges plenty.



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Guest basscheffers

Never trust the media to tell you the whole story! It looks like this was done as part of a noise monitoring system. So the same media that complains non-stop about aircraft noise and that something should be done about it now complains that it costs a lot of money to get accurate information about the problem. They usually just want their cake and eat it too.


Any large project like T1 is inherently wasteful; if you try to micro-manage for costs, it will never get done, or at least take a lot longer. The sooner it is done, the sooner it starts making money and paying off the investment, and that is what it is all about.


Of course I can't comment specific to T1 as I know very little about the project.



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  • 4 weeks later...

This is a cool feature. I was able to track my training flight yesterday all the way to the training area, before we dissapeard past Middle Beach, where the coverage stops. Then we popped back into view and I could track us all the way back to the airport. Hehehe. Saves having to use my phone's GPS tracker to leave breadcrumbs for viewing later on google earth. Plus, you can see how close you are to other traffic. Had no idea that another aircraft was right on our six, I'm glad he seemed to have noticed us.


Boy, that VFR corridor for Parafield sure does get busy...



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