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Downunder Aviation's Pilot Survey

TAA Steve

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Greetings all,


An idea I've had for some time is to create a website to allow pilots, and people who want to be pilots, to find out things about the Australian aviation scene such as wages, how to become a pilot, what training is involved, how to apply for an airline etc.


There are many sites out there that deal with these aspects, however, most are not Australian oriented, and therefore can be quite confusing for a wannabe pilot looking for some quick, easy answers.


In order to find out what people are looking for in a website such as this, I have created a survey that asks a variety of questions ranging from what type of licenses, ratings and endorsements you have, to what kind of information you are looking for.


With the results I will be able to tailor the website to suit the majority of people in Australia.


The website is http://pilotsurvey.ausvirtual.com


When you have a free moment, please visit and fill in the survey, it should only take about 5 minutes of your time and will be of great help to me.


Thanks everyone





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hey there i agree good survey and what a great idea. good luck with it all. ive just started helicopter lessons and i spent months trying to find info on how to go about it whats involved etc and then just theory on helicopters. i found it all very hard hardly came across anything. so im glad someone is trying to something about it



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Content Writers Needed


Afternoon all,


As you may or may not remember, a while back I posted a link to a survey to assist me design a website to assist Australian pilots in all aspects of aviation in Australia.


I am currently at the stage of getting some drafts on the content I need and have found that it is a huge job to do so I've decided to post on several forums to try and get some help.


You do not need to be a pilot in Australia to help out, but bear in mind that the content will be dealing exclusively with Australia (possibly New Zealand depending on demand at a later stage) and if, for example, you fly in the US, you may find it difficult to get accurate information.


I need pilots from all license levels, from SPL up to ATPL.


If you're interested, send me a PM or send me an email at steve(at)thefamilyrogers(dot)com.


I am trying to get a wiki site sorted to allow easier editing, if you send me an email, I'll give you the address to help out.


Thanks everyone. <G>



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