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My Flight Today

Guest Glenn

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Guest Glenn

Flying today started with me in the front right seat of a 172 flying 3 circuits. When we came back in the owner fo the plane kicked me out of the front to the rear left seat where I had my camera and went for a ride out over Wyangala Dam to see how low it is.


The day ended with some photos of Tom Moon in his Extra 300S as he was heading off to Temora.


Photos below. Conditions were quite hazy and slightly overcast


Darbys Falls. A small village located half way between Cowra and Wyangala Dam



The now 3.9% full Wyangala Dam with the main camping area and water slides in the bottom of the picture



Looking back towards the wall and the spillway



The spillway. We are being watched by 4 people. Jealous? :twisted:



An overall look at the wall that you can actually drive over and the spillway



Nearly home. On base leg for runway 15



Now on final for runway 15




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Guest Crash Lander

Some awesome shots there! Makes you wonder if the dam will ever be full agian.


I wish the runway at my airfield was tarmac! So easy to see!!



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Guest Glenn

Not sure how many, but my aerial photos of the dam will be published in our local newspaper on Wednesday.


Now that I am trying to get into photography more I have edited my first photo in photoshop. I know it's nothing special because I wasn't close enough to the plane even with my zoom. But I'm glad that I was able to do a little something better with it.




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Guest Glenn

VH-NIS is the rego of the aerobatic plane. Tom is the guy who flys at Temora every month and puts on a display. I see him quite a bit here in Cowra.


Rego of the 172 is VH-RUD



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Guest Chainsaw

Wow! you are now famous Glenn.


Just keep taking photos, that's the best way to get to know the machine.



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