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Close Essendon Airport


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Guest g_i_jack029

robbo...givem hell


i wish i could get behind you and help out but being four hours out of YMML it's a bit hard


if there is anything i can do, please post it up, if there is anything anyone on here can do post it up


i want to help keep Essendon airport, everyone reading this, lets help out robbo!!! and help out this airport


i can understand why your angry, everyone reading this should be furious



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Guest Darren Masters

Yep, the typical crap. You think it's bad down there. Things are up in the air at The Oaks at the moment, Hoxton Park is closing come November. This means we will have absolutely nowhere to fly our ultralights come the end of the year. We are seriously thinking about a move...



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Guest Darren Masters
do you reckon it could help in anyway to save our GA airports???

I have had it for 2yrs and have not watched it I will though now that you give me the thought...



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Guest OzChris

One Six Right is a pretty awesome DVD...


We have to help people understand the importance of airports and why it is so important to the community to keep them. Once airports are closed - they can NEVER be re-opened, they are lost forever and that is REALLY SAD! :cry: :cry:



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Guest Darren Masters

Very well said Chris. If work ever offered the opportunity for a move to VIC or SA, we would not hesitate! May be in the pipeline.



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Guest g_i_jack029

that was the purpose of 16 right wasn't it?


hey daz, have you watched it yet [-o< :P



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Guest Darren Masters
that was the purpose of 16 right wasn't it?hey daz, have you watched it yet [-o< :P

Not yet...



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Guest AusDarren

Interesting that they have to go all the way back to 1978 to make their case.


It would be a good comparism to look at injury accidents on the Tullamarine / Calder freeways over the same period. (ie over 30 Years)


I'm pretty confident that the Airport would be way better safety record.


I wonder where we could dig up the stats?


No one was killed in the Dove crash as I recall,


But yes groups like this need to be countered with hard facts.


And solid community benefits.


Perhaps we should try to get local paper coverage of Angel flights departing / Arriving to Essendon?


It is the community govenment and council view that matters.


We are most unlikely to change the view of the activists however good a case can be demonstrated.






(Taylors Lakes)



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Guest Darren Masters

Daz, trouble is, money talks mate. People like the Macquarie group come over and just destroy the little we have. It's happened in so many places. Time (I think) that we caught more onto the idea of airparks. I know there are a few popping up. I hope that I will retire in one one day with my little lightie. Who knows what the future holds. It is sad for those of us that fly on weekends and are literally running out of options.



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Guest AusDarren
Time (I think) that we caught more onto the idea of airparks.

Actually I think you have a great point there. Where the Field is owned by a group of Aviators, Your protected. As the Majority of owners share simmilar interests.


I'd love to live on the Field myself, there are some fine examples in the USA,


and we are developing some good ones here as well.


Ultimately if the Aviators own the field collectively, it can't be sold out from under you.


You Still need to keep the local government onside though.







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Guest g_i_jack029

yet daz...masters that is:D


an airpark is the way to go, ah how i'd love...nah, go to the country, no one can annoy you there, apart from the birds :roll:



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Hi guys,


I got this email from SEAG last nite...


HelloThis is just a quick email to say we are currently planning to hold a


meeting at Essendon Airport on Friday, October 17 (afternoon). This date is


still in planning we are just trying to get another people to attend.


Peter Ryan leader of the Nationals will be in attendance. I am just


wondering if you would be interested in attending at this time? Please note


this is not a confirmation of the date we are just gauging interest before


finalizing dates and times. You will receive a follow up email with all the


final information as long as you have contacted us to confirm interest.


Essendon Airport Corporation have kindly given us access to the terminal


and seating to host this information meeting. Peter Ryan will be able to


answer questions in relation to Essendon airport and will also discuss what


the Nationals are doing to keep Essendon open.


Due to Peter Ryan attending we can only organize this meeting in the


afternoon on a weekday.


New site updates:


* TV News report now available for download from the website.


* Automatic mailing list nearly completed.




Lincoln Robinson


** You are receiving this email because you provided your email address on


the Save Essendon petition, if you would like to be removed from future


notifications please email us and let us know. Once our automatic system is


up and running you can add and remove yourself automatically.

Did anyone else get it too? and is anyone gonna go to the meeting??







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Guest g_i_jack029
I see the save essendon group is moving along nicely..

It sure seems like it:smile:


The way this is all turning out i think Essendon has a damn good Chance.... i think i might send an email off to my flight school about the save essendon airport.




sign the petition, attend the meetings, hell, make some landings at a controlled airport for your logbook. Hmmmmm, do they do a good hamburger there? ;) someone go and find out:biggrin: gives you a reason to go fly, instead of just doing the pattern 3 times:cool:



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