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Maks 2011 Live Broadcast.


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Have just watched about 3 hours of the show, if you have plenty of time & bandwidth to spare, it's good viewing. Sunday the 21st. is the final day of the airshow.


Started off with the Russian Swifts with their 6 Mig 29's doing close formation flying, next was the A380 Airbus doing a few tight maneuvers, followed by the new Sukhoi Superjet doing the same.


Next was the United States F15 doing aerobatics & that pilot really worked hard, impressive to watch. After that, another Russian airliner, not sure what, it looked like one of the Tupolevs, followed by a really nice looking enclosed cab micro-light.


After this, a couple of Mig 29's did an aerobatic display, followed up by a Sukhoi SU35 showing what 3D thrust vectoring is all about. The Swifts went up again, followed by the new Latvian aerobatic team, the Baltic Bees, with their L39c Albatross. Finally a team of four Yak 52's did aerobatics & the broadcast finished, so I suppose with the time difference, that was it for the day.


Apparently on the last day, Sunday, 21st., the Russian Knights & Russian Swifts will do their joint 'Diamond' formation flying, usually five of the Knights SU 27's combined with four of the Swifts Mig 29's. It will be their last demonstration, as due to budget restraints, the Air Force is disbanding both teams after the show, a great loss to aviation.







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Forgot to add, for anyone interested in watching the airshow broadcast, their time is six hours behind eastern standard time, so the hours would probably be around 6pm to midnight EST. Logging on at any other time just shows news & current events as it's a 24 hour video channel. Last two days of the Maks 2011 Airshow are Saturday 20th. August & Sunday 21st.


Cheers, willedoo.



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Guest David C

Thanks for posting the link Willedoo .. Just spent a good few minutes watching the A380 put through its paces , followed by a UK based F15C of the USAF putting on a great display . Who would have thought just a few short years ago that we would be witnessing such displays of Western aircraft in the Soviet Union like we do today . A great link , and once again many thanks ..


Dave C



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Thanks for posting the link Willedoo .. Just spent a good few minutes watching the A380 put through its paces , followed by a UK based F15C of the USAF putting on a great display . Who would have thought just a few short years ago that we would be witnessing such displays of Western aircraft in the Soviet Union like we do today . A great link , and once again many thanks ..Dave C

Yes Dave,


Its quite impressive to see the A380 doing things we don't normally get to see. The F15 certainly did America proud, a top display & easy to see why it will be around for a long time yet. Things sure have changed, particularly for those of us who grew up during the Cold War, with the Russian Federation operating Boeings & Airbuses and the US buying Russian Mil helicopters to use in Afganistan. This is the 10th Maks & there looks like being more Western involvement every time. I was going this year, but unforseen circumstances ended that plan, so it was good to hear that RT decided to run a live broadcast this time around. The SU35 is on now, must go.


Cheers, Willie.



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Maks 2011 Airshow finished with a great programme on the last day.


Overcast conditions and rain at times reduced visibility, so the aerobatic displays were a bit more conservative than on the better days, but still excellent given the conditions. Quite a good line up with the Yak 52 team aerobatics, the Sukhoi Su34 fighter bomber, the A380 Airbus, the Emergency Services Amphibian Beriev Be-200, dropping twelve tons of coloured water, and the Sukhoi SU35 doing solo aerobatics, albeit a bit subdued due to the weather. No flat spins this time.


Next up was the new Sukhoi Pak Fa T50 Stealth Fighter prototype. It did a good aerobatic flight early in the week, but this time it lined up for take-off, checked flight controls, rolled down the runway, a couple of flames shot out of the engines and then the chutes were deployed and it taxied off. Not sure if it was part of the act or if there was some problem. Sergey Bogdan, Russia's version of Chuck Yeager was at the wheel.


After that, two Mig 29's, one of them with four wing tanks fitted, doing a simulated air to air re-fueling, with another Mig 29 doing a solo aerobatic display at the same time. Following up, the Russ Albatros L39 aerobatic team & another demo of the Sukhoi Superjet airliner, a high speed demonstration by the Eurofighter Typhoon & then the Latvian Baltic Bees in their L39's.


Next, the United States F15, and if there was a man of the match award, I'd give it to them, hands down. The Flankers are a hard act act to follow when it comes to aerobatic displays of fighter aircraft, but the two man F15 team wrung every possible maneuver out of that aeroplane and showed it to it's best potential. Every performance they did at Maks was a real credit to them.


The last performance before the broadcast died was a solo aerobatic demonstration by a Mig 29 OVT, the 3D thrust vectored variant of the Mig 29. Quite a few heavy aircraft were parked on the other side of the strip as static displays, but the camera focus didn't show them up so well. Quite a few Ilyushin IL-78 tankers and what looked like a Myasishchev 3m bomber.


Seemed to be some technical problems, as the broadcast went blank before the end of the show and no coverage of the Russian Knights and Russian Swifts aerobatic teams, with their Su27's and Mig 29's respectively. Bit of a shame, as it's both team's last performance before being disbanded due to Air Force budget cuts. They most likely would have been the closing act, but unfortunately, for some reason, the broadcast ended early, but still a good show.


Cheers, Willedoo.



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