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Aircraft "faces"


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Ok, ok I know, but it's a preoccupation of mine and I am constantly amazed that designers who take so much trouble over the general proportions and look of an aircraft, seem to run out of ideas when it comes to the very front end, the cowl and how it looks from anywhere forward of abeam. This is particularly evident on engines with cooling systems that rely on fluid, rather than direct transfer to air, such as the 912/4 and the Viking discussed elsewhere. Whilst I can accept that getting sufficient air to radiators etc trumps other considerations, you only need look at the RV-12 and TAF Sling, both 912 powered low wing LSA's to see how it can be done (or not).


Shown below the Jabiru powered RV-12, a Viking RV-12, the original (912) and a TAF Sling - coming to Aus soon I understand







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There's a Jabiru 3300 powered RV12 at Latrobe Valley. I understand it's fairly well progressed. Should go like a rocket between rebuilds.



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I see there is a UL Power engine going into one in the States as well, lots of debate about whether the aircraft is engineered for the extra weight and torque. Looking at the Sling and the Europa though, it seems it is possible to give a 912 powered aircraft a more conventional, pretty face. On the other hand that Wilksh diesel achieved what I had thought was impossible, making an RV-9A ugly....







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That looks like an RV9-Gypsy Major hybrid.


It probably didn't need to be shaped like that, but it may be more aerodynamic that way.



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It is easier to sell a aeroplane model that "looks good".Than a ugly looking one.

That's what I'm hoping Dazza! Zephyr's smile........... They're my grandsons btw.








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