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Auster Fly-in

Guest DWB

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Anyone from TAA coming to the Auster Fly-In at Middlebrook Station, Scone on the weekend of April 28/29?


I might pop in to help the hosts. Zephyr will look out of place though.



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Ummm. Sorry check date again SP. Actually starting on the 27th April I've since found out. Dinner at Scone Aero Club



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Anyone from TAA coming to the Auster Fly-In at Middlebrook Station, Scone on the weekend of April 28/29?I might pop in to help the hosts. Zephyr will look out of place though.

Though I'm no more than a road-bound aviation "groupie" I feel pretty confident in saying that the Auster Brigade are not so far up themselves as to not appreciate any expression of interest or enthusiastic involvement &/or assistance in their fly-in. They're a great bunch - go for it!









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You get extra points if you fly a taildragger.....Nice photo Siz, I wonder who that is?



Some bloke & blokess trying to find their way west, I believe... all held up in the air by semi-detached linen, I understand.;)



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And even MORE extra points if it's a Oister Coop.


Has the sliding window fallen out?


My mate's vindictive old cow, Charlie Dead Shoot, (Can't print the real four letter word here can we) kept spitting hers out, regularly littering the countryside with squares of perspex. Liked to suddenly dance in the long grass beside strips too.


She was like one of those matrons built like a sherman tank who keep young blokes on their toes with their unexpected pompous ourbursts.


Real aeroplanes... Austers. I suppose that mob who protect their job by grounding real aeroplanes like the Goonie will be after Austers soon.



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No, been slid back so I could keep a close eye on Foxy who was hanging out of the window of his C140 with a bloody big camera.


However a good mate in a Terrier lost one of his rear perspexes on a trip up north. On the run across from Cadney Park to William Creek, we all went up to about 6,000' to catch a tail wind. Flew alongside the Terrier and it appeared to be piloted by a giant green caterpillar. Moved in a bit closer to see both pilot and passenger wrapped up in their sleeping bags!!


The Navigator was instructed to keep her eye on the cliff face. The wide angle makes it look like its miles away, but the cliff was quite a bit closer and since we were weaving back and forth...


Dragged mine out of the hangar today after an enforced lay-off due lack of medical and some personal fabric repairs (I didn't think much of his stitching). Started her up and was engulfed in clouds of blue-white smoke from No. 4 stack- her way of paying me back for leaving her alone for all that time. Still without medical, so a few runs up and down the runway to heat the oil up was all the legal exercise I could give her. There must be a really smooth patch on that runway because the vibrations from the wheels ceased for a while on every run....





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Dragged mine out of the hangar today after an enforced lay-off due lack of medical and some personal fabric repairs (I didn't think much of his stitching). Started her up and was engulfed in clouds of blue-white smoke from No. 4 stack- her way of paying me back for leaving her alone for all that time. Still without medical, so a few runs up and down the runway to heat the oil up was all the legal exercise I could give her. There must be a really smooth patch on that runway because the vibrations from the wheels ceased for a while on every run....Coop

We came back in the 2CV from Tailem Bend yesterday via the old highway - called in at the strip, which really looked a picture... very attractive & still quite green.



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