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Guest CARL76

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Guest CARL76

Greetings one and All! Just joined the forums and keen to see what's been going on!


Just a little history. Started to fly in 80's at "The Oaks" near Camden when Andrew Ford was CFI. Joined the old AUF to get licenced and moved on to GA and PPL at Albion Park.


Now I'm a Qld based "lapsed" pilot, itching to get back into the left hand seat. My total time wouldn't amount to more than 500 hrs, mainly in Gazelle's, Foxes and 152's, with a smattering of Jab and Trinidad work. When funds allow, I hope to buy another Skyfox or Gazelle, mainly for my photography as well as for the sheer enjoyment! I'm fortunate enough to live 5 mins from the airstrip at The Town of 1770 (on the coast between Bundy & Gladstone), so anyone who knows the area would understand my desire to get airbourne again!


I'm not even sure if "Skyfox" aircraft are still allowed to be flown so I'm hoping to update myself thru this forum and hopefully make some contacts with like minded people.




Cheers - Carl



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