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Initiation rituals

Guest Macnoz

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Guest Macnoz

“Ultralights” -- bucket of water comment elsewhere got me thinking.


Are first solo initiations still de rigueur or derriere ?


When I first flew in Coonagh Aero Club in Limerick Ireland ( go on look it up you know you want to) a student always knew (s) he was due for release when (s)he was instructed to “wear a tie next lesson” The tie was cut –(the symbolism just struck me now as I typed this!!!) and mounted with name date etc on the clubhouse wall.


It was such a big thing then or there but around the traps now I have not seen any such


So what have you seen , perpetrated in, or been subjected to?


How about suggestions



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i was not on the receiving end of a bucket of water, though i know of a few who have, I leanrt to fly with Sydney Airways may yrs ago, and the initiation i got was a congratulatory handshake with a palm full of shaving cream.... then i had to sign a book at the bankstown tower. but that was back in 1989



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A handshake and a set of aeroclub wings once I had finished my CPL test. This was after having to push the aircraft into the hangar in a downpour (& through the mud) on my own. (The instructor & the guy checking him asked me to drop them both off in front of the aeroclub on the tarmac before I had to put the aircraft away).



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Guest Teenie2

Ultralights ,did you know Brian was a mustang test pilot at one time.He was a mans man .For my commercial Brian had me plan for this simulated charter flight to a few aerodromes down south via Sydney a/p.Morning of the test comes Ive been planning for 4 hours ,plan submitted airways clearance gained ,taxi to the runway, Brian leans over and says " I wont to go to scone now" the sod.Now the trip back to bankstown was so illegal its not funny ,he was trying to simulate very low cloud to see if I could navigate at very low level (very).



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For my test we didn't need to simulate the low cloud as it was there! Canberra to Cowra at low level 4-500' most of the way, land and replan to another destination. That turned out to be wombeyan caves for a supposed 'photo shoot'. Hard to find a hole in the ground when you are buzzing along in a Mooney at 500'. Luckily I used a lead in feature/road to follow to the final 'target'. After that the plan was to return to Canberra. Half way there I announced I would be diverting to Goulburn as vis/ceiling was below minimums & I knew goulburn was clear. Instructor said good decision but then said to continue to planned destination, advising me to slow up/put out some flap etc. We landed in a heavy shower & the runway was soaked, and would be the worst conditions I have flown in. Passing that test was the sweetest thing................



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