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An apology


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Hi All,


I would like to make an apology to Mathew Ker and his father.


When i first joined the forum i said it was Mathews father that helped me build my VP1 and get through the LAME exams. I have found the only photo i have of the VP1 construction and on the back gave all the details it was in fact a Petty Officer Penny who helped me, sorry Mathew, I can only blame poor memory for this.







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G'day Bob. It's funny because I reckon I would have remembered Dad working on something like that. I haven't caught up with Dad for a while so I haven't run it past him. Speaking of old memories. I do remember one of the airshows at HMAS Albatross in the early 70's. There was a bloke playing a piano that was slung under what I think was a Wessex helo. I also remember a Christmas picnic which might have been out at Greenwell Point. Santa was delivered from another helo - lots of good fun.


Regards, Mathew



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Hi Mathew,


Yes I remember the piano that one was the second used as the first had a "fall" in practice.


Yes indeed most of the Christmas picnics were at Greenwall Point although i seem to remember some at the "green patch" or was that the BBQ's?


Do you remember the car dropped from the Wessex on the open day?


I was hoping to be up your way but had to change plans as my VP1 needed an engine and port wing rebuild and it took longer than i had thought.


As i have just "officially" joined RAA(the last week) i am considering maybe selling my beloved yellow pill(VP1) and getting something that does not have some body parts in the wind.


I have done 25.5 hours on my aircraft to date this year and right from it's first flight in 1976 to now i love it, so much fun!


I was planing to register with RAA the aircraft and sling the plane on its trailer and visit friends in North Townsville and knock around the area for three weeks or so but the weather and the engine rebuild and making another port wing stopped that, maybe next year.





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