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Just starting after a long time waiting

Guest BrettH

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Guest BrettH



I have recently joined the RAA network after wanting to fly for many years. Retirement and the more reasonable costs for RAA accreditation, plus having a training air field (Tooradin YTDN) close by all made it very easy.


I have currently clocked up 10 hours on the Jabiru and survived my first landing:censored: attempt, which all goes well for the future.


Having been sailing for many years I look forward to the cross country navigation component is it seems very similar to coastal navigation other than you are going a lot faster.


I am learning a lot from the forum and look forward to future discussions.







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Guest airsick

I always thought navigating in the air was easier. At least you can se what you are going to hit. 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


Good luck with the flying and welcome to the forums.



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