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Just Landed

Guest skylark

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Guest skylark

Hi this is Skylark.


I have been flying for over a year, with 9 hours of solo time in the bag.


Plus just starting x country.:confused:



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A lot of tallent.




Hi there,


098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif to the forum,what AC have you been flying.


You`ll find that there`s a lot of experienced guys here,don`t be afraid to ask questions.


farri. :rotary:



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Guest skylark

Hi Farri


I have been fLying a tecnam 92 Echo S It's a good plane to start with.


I wood like to try the new Texan 600 .


What planes have you been up in.





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Multi Aircraft.


Hi Skylark,


I started flying when our aircraft were called ultralights and I`ve flown quite a few different types,I`ve test flown aircraft for others,I`ll try and remember some.


The first was called a Condor then I built a Chinook,flew it for many years, flew a Wheeler Scout, a Drifter on floats, my own Maxair Drifter,which I still have,a Skydart, a CFM Shadow,plenty HRS in Zenith 701,a Light Wing, an X Air, an MX Quick Silver.


There`s probably some I`ve forgotten.




Frank. :rotary:



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G'Day Skylark,


In welcoming you aboard, you should be made aware that this website can be somewhat additive after finding your way around and in need of information. They come at you in waves like kamikazi pilots without the bombs.018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif





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