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Switch from Alpi pioneer 200 to Jab 160

Guest Pioneer200

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Guest Pioneer200

Hi , I am mid way thru training in NZ in Alpi Pioneer 200 and due to few maintenance issues am switching to Jab 160,.Am keen to hear thoughts of peoples experiences in both and preferences. I have done about 35 hours in pioneer and 2 hours in jabiru.


Hardest thing is change from stick in left hand to stick in right and also throttle position,Oh and brake lever works in reverse!


I probaly prefer the 200 but can see the benefits of the jab with more comfort and huge range for X country flights.


Any thoughts and advice on handling the Jab 160 would be great.


I am flying with Ashburton Aviation Pioneers in Canterbury, great group of people , very experienced instructors and nice training aircraft ($90 per hour)



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Guest Macnoz

Handle it carefully!


They are slippery. Be careful not to lower the nose too much if at all when turing on base or final and if you lower it keep an eye on that air speed!



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Guest Pioneer200

Good thanks, Your dad and I went up to Rangiora and back on Sunday and really enjoyed it. Am going to get rating in Jab and do rest of cross countrys asap!



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