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Just started training

Guest basscheffers

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Guest basscheffers

After much delay, I am finally starting training. The trouble was both Aldinga and Murray Bridge being quite a drive, but a couple of weeks ago I noticed a Sportstar on the tarmac at Parafield - I had searched in vain for anyone doing recreational training there before. Turns out Forsyth Aviation was doing it all along!


So did a TIF last week and the first real lesson is next week.


I am still moving up to Mount Barker next year, making Murray Bridge a stone's throw away so by that time I'll probably opt for the lower rental rates and club feel there!







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G'day Bas, 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif to the forum. By the time you move to Mt B. you'll probably have your flying certificate. That means that you have a couple of choices to make, which aircraft do you fancy flying next as there are no Sportstars at MB that I know of, and which school do you want to fly with. Recreational Pilots Academy (RPA) are the cheapest if you join their Recreational Flying Club of SA, but only have Jabiru LSA55's at the moment. Club rates are $90 per hour if memory serves me correctly.There is a J160 there but I don't think it's for hire. The alternative is the Murray Bridge Light Aircraft Flying School which has a wider selection of aircraft including Jab 160, Gazelle, Lighwing and Taxan 600 LSA Obviously you get what you pay for so come down and make the choice. RPA have a BBQ on Thursdays at 12 o the clock so for a measly $5 you can meet some of the team and club members. Perhaps I'll see you down there some day. Good luck with your training,



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Hey Bas,


Great work on starting your training!


I took a one hour TIF with Forsyth a few weeks ago as well and I'm looking to train with them too.


I'd be very interested in your experience with them as you go. Any chance you could update this thread with your progress? :D


I'm considering Forsyth for the same reasons as you. I live quite close to the city and driving out to Aldinga or Murray Bridge is just a bit too far to do so often.


It'd be good to see if the curriculum out at Forsyth is any different, just because it's so close to controlled airspace.


Have fun with it all and safe flying!







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Guest basscheffers



We'll cross that bridge when we get there! :D But I wouldn't mind flying another type; I am sure they are equally fun. I like the Sportstar right now for being nice and roomy (I am a big bloke) - we'll see how I fit in smaller A/C! I'll certainly will have to drop into the BBQ at some point, sounds like a good way to meet some new folks.


Kian: here is some more info on how to get in and out of controlled space there: http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/pilotcentre/training/flyingaround/adelaide.asp


In lieu of having the printed VTC, the web-based map on that site is quite useful. So as long as you go east or west a bit via the indicated routes and stay low enough, there is not much to worry about. At the moment I actually see this as a plus, training with controlled airspace around. My instructor told me that when it gets time for the navigation endorsement, they tend to go into controlled space so you learn to deal with it so having it around the corner is nice for that too!



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My son did a fair bit of training at Parafield (PPL) whilst I did all mine at Murray Bridge(RA)


I found he wasted a lot of time sitting at the thresh hold waiting for traffic (Parafield being so busy) whereas my lessons down at MB were very time efficient. The weather is also consistently better down there being in the lee of the hills which meant more consistent flying which I felt helped my progress. Often raining in Adelaide but fine down there.


Big people do fit in Jabs quite well.





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I imagine the initial workload will be higher when training at Parafield. However, I hope that this will be beneficial to your flying later down the track (e.g. with being comfortable with more traffic and more radio work).


Bas, how does the RA-Aus training work at Parafield? Will you be doing the PAX & cross country endorsement at the same time as your training? How often are you planning to fly? Do they supply all the reading material that you'll need?


Sorry for the all the questions, I hope I'm not being difficult!



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Guest basscheffers

Peter: Yeah, not too worried about the Jabs size wise, the only reason I have for choosing Parafield is the commute - I have to juggle my lessons in with starting my own company and raising infant twins!


Traffic wasn't bad on Friday morning, the only thing we should have waited for was another plane taxiing out as we were going back. But before we had a chance to make way for him, he did so for us. I have a feeling him seeing me swerve around the taxi way might have had something to do with it. ;-)


But it is good to get these kinds of comments from those like yourself - if I do feel it becomes a problem I can always try elsewhere.


Kian, you should have asked those questions at your TIF! :P


They have ordered a kit for me which is supposed to contain all the books I'll need - I'll tell you what's in it when I get it it. (If someone doesn't do it for me, I would assume other schools get you the same thing)


I never though about being able to do the extra endorsements at the same time, I'll have to ask. I plan to go once a week most weeks and usually on a weekend. (depending on work)







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As for books we are using the Jim Davis PPL book as it is written in plain English and redilly digestable. Well discussed and with a very good index, this makes finding that ilusive bit of information fantastically simple,


Just google Jim Davis PPL, available from a place in WA,


and no I do not make a cent unles you are at my flying school and you buy it from me!


Cheers Guy



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Guest basscheffers

Hey Kian, you were a week early in asking; it wasn't until this weekend I had the lesson.


The weather was gorgeous again; no clouds, pretty much no wind or turbulence, perfect for a beginner. We started off with about an hour on ground, some theory on controls, aerofoils lift, drag, etc. Then pre-flighting "the Sporty", which obviously took longer than normal as it included teaching me how to do it as well.


Then we had an hour with the engine running. (i.e.: one flight hour for the log but again as I am just getting started, more time on the ground than normal, taking our time going through the checklist. With every lesson no doubt more and more time will be spent in the air.)


Other than a couple of demonstrations by the instructor (Sarah) I was hands on all the time, but obviously with quite a bit of input from her for the more critical phases of flight - most notably the flare!


Just like at the TIF, I had no problems with Parafield being busy (Saturday noon) and waiting for others, hopefully it will stay that way.


I am really enjoying this. The next two lessons are already booked in for the next two Sundays. Hopefully I will get a fair few hours in before going to the Netherlands in July - the ulterior motive being that one of my sister's friends (who flies airliners for a living) just bought an Aerobatics rated Fuji FA-200-160 and I have been all but promised some time on it! :D



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Mate, that sounds fantastic :D


Sarah was my intructor when I had the TIF as well. She seemed like a good person to work with. Glad to hear the traffic wasn't an issue. Hopefully the weather will stay clear for you and you'll be an ace by July ;)



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