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New Guy from Bris

Guest Bretto

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Guest Bretto

Hey guys/girls


Just signed into this forum and thought i should say hello, my names Brett (obviously lol) and have decided in last couple weeks that there's no time like present to start my training to learn to fly


I am currently sifting through all the flight schools websites (luckily for me quite a few of them around here :big_grin: ) and trying to find which one would be best suited to my needs


I have narrowed down to 4 that i think meets my needs - Flight Training Australia, Airline Academy of Australia, Redcliffe Aero Club & Hempels Aviation


I have the ambition to hopefully go all the way and obtain my ATPL and gain employment in the airline industry but this is years off so need to focus more on now and find the best way to get me up in the air ASAP


If anyone can give me some feedback on there experiences with any of these schools it would be much appreciated as want to find the right school the first time


Any other info you'd like to share would be highly regarded also







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Guest Bretto

Just an update


I have now decided on a school and have picked Redcliffe Aero Club, signed up for CPL 150hr course there


My first flight takes off 31st May so can't wait, really looking forward to it





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Guest Decca

Hiya Brett. 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif Very surprised you haven’t had a welcome from these forums in 2 days, particularly from your area.


You may be able to contribute to the General Aviation Forum (our sister site) with your early training if you are looking for CPL rating.


I’m sure the administrator (Ian Baker) would be looking for someone who can relate their commercial training experiences to all would-be pilots up to CPL level on the GA forum.


Good luck from the end of the month,


Regards, Decca.



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Guest Bretto

Thanks Decca


Thought people were ignoring me lol - just kidding


I'll keep a blog of my training on the GA site for sure so people can see what goes on throughout training etc


i'll still be getting my RAA licence though, but this can wait till later as don't see real great need for it till i get my own plane so hopefully next year sometime



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Guest Decca

The only "need" for your RAA certificate is to kick-start your commercial career (from a financially economical point of view), but you seem to be comfortable with going straight into commercial training from this & other threads I've seen you involved with since my last post here.


None the less, look forward to seeing your progress in GA forum.


Regards, Decca.



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Guest Bretto

Decca - Yeah i'm pretty content going straight for commercial licence but will be asking my training club if i can also factor in the RAA licence into program


If not then i'll have to convert to an RAA at later date


cazza - Thanks for your support, i've learnt quite a bit off this site already and can't wait to help chime into conversations when i actually know what i'm talking about 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



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