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Big deap breath, trial flight IS OVER!!!

Guest dracer

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Guest dracer

yer after advertising my dirtbike and arcade machine on here(cheap) and no takers, to do my RA cert, iv finally done my trial flight and started my RA aus, without having to sell ANYTHING, do the odd saturday and get the missus doing the books and il be fine.


today at lilidale we took off pretty mush got to 1000ft and he gave me the controls of the little jab 160, (iv done 10hrs microlight) and (used to fly hanglider as a teen/no licence) so i kind of knew how it all works, not to forget my constant reading and studying of the subject, so bak to the story...... once i worked out how hard i could pull and push things then i was fine, we ran through a few manouvers then i pretty much cruised around, one thing i was a little ordinary on was watching alt and speed as i think i was more worried about the nose ect, instructor says it will be no time at all and il be solo!!!!!!!!!!!!!


one thing that scared me was landing speed, i was ****tttting for a second there.


best day of my life!




P.S will swap 06 crf450 for RA cert :)



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Guest dracer

one more thing i weigh 120kg+ so she struggled getting off the ground, it was also a tight fit, think il lay off the beer and weights for a while eh :D



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At 120 kgs you proberly need that extra bit of speed to land lol (only joking)


Congratulations prety good feeling ay. I'm a new flyer too and lovin every minute of it. Tomorrow I'm doing stalls in a 170 Jab, dont really know what to expect but hope to get upside down a lot (wishfull thinking, dont think a Jabs the right kinda plane for that) keep us up to date on your progress





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