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Alpi Aviation

Guest palexxxx

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Guest palexxxx



I went to the Elmore Field Days today and on one of the stands they had three light aircraft that I hadn't seen before. It turns out that they're probably the only aircraft from this manufacturer in Australia at the moment. There were two Pioneer 300's models and a Pioneer 200 model.


The 300 model had retractable gear and one was fitted with a Rotax 100 hp and the other had a Jabiru 3300 engine.


The 200 model had fixed gear.


They are available as either factory built or as a kit.





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Hi Peter,


That is certainly an impressive looking aircraft.....also the performance figures read well. Was there any indication as to price for the factory built Pioneer 300? Who are the Australian agents?


This linkprovides more information on performance etc.






Dave WestCoast



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Michael Pendergast is the guy to talk to and is based at Lethbridge, Vic.


I haveseen and flown the Pioneer 300and am very impressed with the mix of construction materials and technology, especially the engineering of the retract gear mechanism.







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