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RAA Flying Training


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Ok, so Ive decided I want to go ahead and do some RAA training.... but where? There is a whole bunch of places I could go, but I wanted to know from the people that have already gone through this, what are the best places to go??? I live in Brisbane, so Boonah/Warwick is as far as I would like to go out that way, and probably caboolture, maybe a little further is how far north I would be prepared to go.


Basically I am looking for things like pricing, instructors, aircraft, how nice it is to learn at these locations, etc etc.







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My advice is to concentrate on finding an instructor with whom you can interact well and who has a record of encouraging & guiding students into solo in a reasonable time.


It's a competitive business so you should find that pricing/hr are similar, or at least they are down this way.


Hope that helps





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Guest TOSGcentral

You have a number of choices.



There are schools at Caboolture, Caloundra and Redcliffe. I have not really kept tabs on what is happening as they are on a common CTAF with the same, or similar, runway headings. This makes life crowded and you have to maintain a listening watch – not my scene at all for recreational instruction but that is just me.



Boonah has one or two schools. Scenic Rim was doing well – I did some instructor training and organisational work for them a few years ago but have lost touch.



My solid recommendation is Kev Walters (SE Qld ROC). Kev is highly experienced, a bit hard for some tastes (he has a kindly streak) but a dead straight shooter and you will get top training. For a small fleet he also has good coverage so can do a lot of endorsements. He is at Coominya (approx 1.5 hrs from central Brisbane – about the same as Boonah or Caloundra).









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That sounds pretty good Tony, but what do you mean by a bit hard? I also noticed on Ra-aus's website about coominya the prices are cheaper then alot of the other flying schools around. I might have to give them a call and arrange a TIF. Now I just gotta convince my parents to take me there.... at least until I get my P plates in august =]







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Guest TOSGcentral

A bit hard? Kev is a professional pilot and a damn good one!


He is not going to sit there, pat your hand and take your dollars. He will make you work to get maximum value for every dollar that you spend. In that regard he is very much like myself. I am not dollar driven, I am standards driven and bluntly uncompromising about it all.


If students came to me then before they started they would be clearly told that I would work them like a drover's dog and then some more. But I would also keep them together over the hard bits.


Some people think that is 'hard' Maybe it is. I think it is professional and fair.





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I secound Kev Walters school (Walters flying school or something like that) I have done some flying with him and he is blunt and to the point just they way it shoulod be, what you don't want it someone who is going to string you out and take all over your money! It some times comes off as rude but that is not what he is aiming at he is just not one to mix words. He is very experiance has lots of time on "real" ultralights such as drifters and all that early stuff. Plus he is an experianced GA pilot as well. Cabulture has some good schools but its not an easy airfield to fly in an out of as it is.... busy (looking for a better word!) Or if you really lucky hit up Tony (TOSG) as I heard he has his instructors rating back and is just biting at the bits to get back in the seat! (He is trying to cut back on flying as Kay is hitting him over all the aircraft projects he has sitting around the house!) but he is one very experianced instuctor.


Note: Yes I am biased I know Tony and Kev through other means but they are EXPERIANCED! instuctors who have been around a long time and do it the right way!





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Ha ha nice. It will probably be a few weeks to maybe 2 months till I get into it, it all depends on how much work pays me! Ill defeinately be having a look at kev though, and we will have to see what Tony says about your proposition adam :P



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Guest Cloudsuck
A bit hard? Kev is a professional pilot and a damn good one!He is not going to sit there, pat your hand and take your dollars. He will make you work to get maximum value for every dollar that you spend.


Some people think that is 'hard' Maybe it is. I think it is professional and fair.



I couldn't agree more. I learnt to fly with Kev and pound for pound, bang for buck, I have not seen better. You will do things that are not necessarily in the syllabus but are a very valuable exercise. Most schools will get you a Pilot Cert but Kev will teach you to fly. He is a very fair instructor and you will know if you screw up.



One short note, Kev is not at Coominya, he is at Kentville (nearby). There is another instructor at Coominya.



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Kev Walters 1, or Greg neale from airsport boonah 2, Airsport has a nice little technam too when you grow out of the drifter.


Learn in the Drifter M8 :)





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Unfortunately Im not interested in the drifter. Id much rather learn in a technam or an aircraft along those sorts of lines. Dunno why, but little things like the drifters dont appeal to me 087_sorry.gif.8f9ce404ad3aa941b2729edb25b7c714.gif



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Yeah a quick story about Kev,


I went to get check out in his drifter while waiting to buy my thruster. We did the normal stuff like climbing decending all that jazz but it was the force landing that got my attention. He set me up above his mates field that had about 15 power lines running through it. Right! now what he asks! he then proceded to teach me how to deal with power lines and the safe way to find, aviod and go over or under them. All very legal as he has low level and ag endorsments (both RAA and GA) so I got more than my money's worth in the time I spent with him and that is why I have no problem telling you he is who I would recommend anyone to do training with.




(Don't think he has a website but he has a add in the RAA mag) Walter flying school (I think!)


Edit: He also has a tecnam and Sportstar (but do atleast try the drifter!)



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You can start and finish on what ever you like. But try and pick one master it and then move on.


Drifter will be cheaper usually, to start with and you will earn your tail wheel endorsement. Tail draggers are usually recognised as a bit harder to handle on the ground than tricycle aircraft. Also Drifters carry low innertia and are very draggy so they will teach you things that you will miss on higher innertia aircraft.


One last thing I would add is make sure you are happy with your instructor, if you are not, it will not make for a happy time flying. Lets face it it's your good money and you can spend it where ever you like. Sometimes money should not be your only governing factor when learning to fly.


Consider having a flights with different instructors before settling into a training regime.


Good luck champ.





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Good to hear about aircraft choice, I guess I will go have a few different TIF's and what not at different places and what not, and see what happens. I might also try out airsport at boonah like you suggested.







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Guest Neilm1955

If you want to go to Casino, Andrew Harrington, 0428218927.


I recently bought a used rotax 912A as he replaced the motor in hid Gazelle. I have been flying 20 years GA and RAA. He is the most comfort inducing instructor I have ever met.


He took me for a few laps in a tail wheeler for fun and he had me totally relaxed in minutes.I Had not flown for a few years so I was nervous. I would have done my RAA endorsement with him if I had time to stay longer when I bought his motor, trouble was that I pulled it out of his plane so we couldnt fly it anymore.





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Haha mate. He sounds great, but Casino? Yea no sorry. I drove down there a few weeks ago with my dad, and there is no way in the world Im gonna go that far. I mean Kev would be stretching my boundaries, so imagine casino i_dunno



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Guest Neilm1955

Sorry Nathan, I am a Mexican, South of the Border , Victoria. Maybe youve heard of it.


Didnt realise it was such a long way for you, it seemed like it was five thousand miles away when I picked up the motor. I just imagined it must be somewhere near Brisbane. Anyway he is good. If you rang him he may recommend someone closer, or even better he may come to you. He has a fair bit of time on his hands, semi retired and about 38 years old. He hired his Gazelle for about $70.00 wet.



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Yea thats ok Niel. Casino is in northern NSW, so its a little too far. I may or may not give him a ring, depends on what happens. Ive got some pretty good info from this thread so far.


Anyway, im going to get off the computer now, thanks for all the information guys! Have a great one and keep on posting :)





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Yep I'd agree 100% with Tony and Adam


Hi Nathan, yes mate I believe you'll have to look long and hard before you find anyone that equalls Kev in skill and ability as a professional pilot and intructor.Tony will remember recommending Kev to me well over 18 months ago and I started my pilot training in jan08 (in the drifter) and finished in july08 (in the tecnam). Now in that time I trained mostly once a fortnight, a double lesson with a break in between and I did find Kev a fairly tough master who pulls no punches when it comes to the perils of not learning safe habits and techniques. Geez it was a blast though and yes there were a few times driving home feeling a little inadequate and with the tail between my legs but there were many, many more trips home feeling an incredible sense of achievement and exhilaration.


Also I can concur with Adam, when Kev was teaching me low level safety pointers on forced landing drills it was worth the price of the lesson just to be in the drifter with him while we were doing that.


During my training I did write 9 short stories for my diary and a couple of them have made it to two aviation Mags, so Nathan if your interested in reading some of my learning tales PM me and I'll forward them to you.


Best of luck with your training and don't forget to enjoy it aswell.




JimG :thumb_up:



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Guest Neilm1955

Maybe he just seemed that young to me. Being really old at 53.hehehehe


Say hi to him if you see him.


Neil Meyer, I bought his 912A and it purrs like a kitten.





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