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BAK Passed..

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Ok so I hate exams and this one was no exception.


More solo time, more touch and goes...


But I passed and that was the main thing..


I am planning on two days flying next weekend as there is no AFL umpiring for me to do ... YAY can't wait!!


Have a great week....



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Guest Brett Campany

That's great news Bec, isn't it such a huge weight off the shoulders!!!


Well done!



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Well Done Bec... You hate exams, but aren't you a teacher...!?006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


I'm gonna knock mine over tomorrow if all goes to plan, hope it's not to hard!!:big_grin:



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Thanks all. I am glad it is all over the BAK that is.. Physics and me don't mix




Yeah I am a teacher but it doesn't mean that I like exams...




t is a good feeling to get it out of the road but now... Human Factors.


Just when it seems close there is another exam to go... Ahh well..


Any tips??





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Did and passed my BAK exam today.... so yeah, it's good to have it out the way....:thumb_up:


Got to study up and do Human Factors next week:confused: so we'll see how it goes:big_grin:



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Guest Brett Campany

Nice one Tomo!! Good to hear you guys are getting through it, how's the HF stuff going? You done the exam yet or still studying for it?



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how's the HF stuff going? You done the exam yet or still studying for it?

Studying all this week, exam on Tuesday I think!?



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Let me know how it goes.. If I had more time to study I'd give the HF a go on the weekend but I don't think I'll be up to it. Haven't even read the book yet :)


Well done on passing your BAK Tommo :thumb_up:



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Let me know how it goes.. If I had more time to study I'd give the HF a go on the weekend but I don't think I'll be up to it. Haven't even read the book yet :)Well done on passing your BAK Tommo :thumb_up:



I haven't even started studying it yet either....thumb_down Starting tonight, rain, hail or shine.....:big_grin:


Better go now, got to go and get a tractor going for some farmer....:big_grin:



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Just have a dictionary near by....... If you don't understand some things, or they sound real technical, there not that bad when you see the actual definition...


Like Nutrition! sounds confusing to some, when all it means is, the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth... in other words, if you live completely on take away foods, you won't have the full nutrition necessary for health and growth to there full extent!006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif










Ps. What book are you studying out of?



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If you haven't already done so... check out Hiho's articles section, for Human Factors... great piece of information...!


Here tis'


Ps. Just a hint, remember how long it is before flying after diving....... a hint from my instructor!



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Congrat's Tomo on your BAK pass.


I've done and passed my HF exam a couple of months back, but I've still got my BAK to go. I've had to put my flying to the back burner at the moment as I am too busy with work. But I am catching up on the work side so I expect to be back flying in another 3-4 weeks. But before I do so I'll need to find the time to do some more studying, because I'm expecting to sit for my BAK exam the next time I turn up.



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Well that was quick!! Congratulations:thumb_up:


So it mustn't of been as bad as you thought eh'?:big_grin:


I hope mine goes as good as yours:blush:



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Guest Brett Campany
Well it's done and passed.What a STUPID exam...

Hope yours goes well Tommo :)

Oh yeah, needs some work to say the least!!


Good luck with yours Tomo!



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Nope not that bad.. common sense plays a part although not the case in all.


Yeah was quick, I can retain information when I need to.


Forced landings today and more crosswind landings...


I want more solo time but not when it was a gusty as today..


Loving it.. was soo peaceful being up at 4000 just cruising before stalls etc were thrust upon me by my wonderful instructor.



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before stalls etc were thrust upon me by my wonderful instructor.

Stall's in a Jab aren't that bad... if you go into them nice enough you hardly even know your stalled if your up high enough, and don't look at the instruments:big_grin:


That's good about it being not to bad... some hope in there then:thumb_up:



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Guest Pop-top

Wooow! Congrats to both of you! sounds as though you're just breezing through it :)


I'm very happy to report that I'm around the same point in my exams; just passed the BAK but next up for me is nav/met (then I think i have HF and air leg).


Could I ask...do you both have full time jobs at the moment, how on earth do you get the time to do this so fast and sit exams on a tuesday? I'm very jealous! :)


Good luck with your next exams



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