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Guest Max

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Hi to all ! 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif


I am a relative new comer to flying but have some experience in a Piper Tomahawk, Tecnam & Thrusters. Not a lot of hours but building them. Very interested in ultralight Biplanes.


Attempting to restore/rebuild a project ultralight Fokker DVII (Loehle). Not going well a discovery of damaged wing ribs seem impossible to repair or replace.102_wasnt_me.gif.b4992218d6a9d117d3ea68a818d37d57.gif


May need to cut my losses and try/buy again.051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif


A Dr1 would be the ultimate but the costs :yuk:


Oh Well there is always Flight Sim.


Cheers !





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Guest Decca

Hi Max. Welcome to the forums!


Have you run into Qwerty yet? Ah don't bother.


A little experience is better than none. Even I have a little!


What's the problem with the ribs? Nothing's impossible! Don't give up. Let's talk further in another forum such as a build forum.


Regards, Decca.





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TASSIE Thanks !


Hi Decca,


Not run into Qwerty yet have been doing some revision work with Eugene.


4 ribs got crushed during a transport accident on a trailer and are cracked. They are very flimsy alloy and although they are now straight they needed welding or replacing. I have done the rounds and no one wants or can weld them or machine/make new ribs. Can't seem to get a reply from Loehle in US to see if I can buy replacements (seems they only sell the completed wings as part of the kit at a very high price). :musicboohoo:


Thanks for the interest. Look forward to any advice or ideas.





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Repair ?


You cannot weld them but if they are straight you should be able to rivet a plate over the crack. If you are mucking about with construction and repair of aircraft, you need a couple of books from RAAus at quite low cost $38?, on approved repair/ construction techniques/ methods. INDISPENSIBLE. (must have) ...Ring Steve Bell


RAAus Tech Person. Nev



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Guest Decca

It's not easy not being there Max. I'd like to see the job before commenting further. Can you put the word out locally for a friendly airframe LAME or L2?





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Guest Decca

I'm sorry Max, I missed Facthunter's earlier post. Two minutes earlier, that's why I missed it. And if you do get to talk to Steve Bell, he'll be able to give you a list of local L2's (which is on the RAAus website anyway).





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Thanks for the advice. I think the consensus to talk to an L2 and get the RAAus books is sound and that will be my next move. I appreciate everyones input.



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Guest Qwerty
Have you run into Qwerty yet? Ah don't bother.

What do you mean....don't bother??????????


Max, come and see me next time you have a lesson. I might be able to help with your ribs. There is a biplane for sale at G'town that you might be interested in. I am usually about somewhere. You can find me in the last hangar.


Cheers, Qwerty



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Hi Qwerty, Love to catch up with you, away for a couple of weeks as from tomorrow. Whats the info on the Biplane for sale ?



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Guest Qwerty

Sorry mate, I wasn't paying much attention. Its a scale............bugger....cant remember.... I cant even remember if it was a two seater but some thing in the back of my mind says its is two seats. Its rough, but I'm told its complete and flys.


Nuiport...cant remember the scale looks like about 7/8 ...... I knew it would come to me.





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