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Isn't it the weekend yet!?


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This is killing me. Sitting at work absolutely itching to jump in a plane.


Here is a (obvious really!) hint for people who pass their flight tests. Don't wait a week before using your new found privileges!


Even worse, While I was a student I had a few people who were happy to come along as a PAX but now that I can actually take em for a flight they are not exactly volunteering!







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Guest Qwerty

Gday, congratulations on your pass (If I've read your post correctly). I remember that feeling as if it were yesterday. Just for your info, when I finish here in about 20 min I guess, I'm off to jump in my a/c.....I'll think of you....I can't be much more considerate than that can I?? :thumb_up:



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Gday, congratulations on your pass (If I've read your post correctly). I remember that feeling as if it were yesterday. Just for your info, when I finish here in about 20 min I guess, I'm off to jump in my a/c.....I'll think of you....I can't be much more considerate than that can I?? :thumb_up:

Thanks. Yep, it is done. And you @#!$!$! !!!! 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



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Thanks, but if I do that then I can't afford to fly!! Oh cruel world!


Lotto is on this Saturday :-)


I actually got my new licence in the mail today. 3 working days is pretty darn stunning I reckon, it is so good to have dealings with an organisation that actually performs instead of just market. It was strange looking at it, a bit of a 'wow' moment. :-)



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Guest Maj Millard

Thx1137, I can sympathise with you on waiting for the weekend to come around, I was the same when I was a rabid skydiver in the 70s. Couldn't wait to get on that first load on Saturday.Every time a plane went over was murder.If you really love it you will work out a way to do a bit of flying during the week. I quit a job after seven years, because I wasn't doing enough flying. Then became self employed....not as much money, but I do a lot more flying !!!.....4 and a bit hours today in fact, flew a country friend up to Innisfail so he could do his bi annual and Human factors, and looked at another aeroplane he's thinking of buying. He paid for all fuel, bought lunch, and a bit of cash into the deal. That's what I mean, just rearrange if you can, and go do it !! ..................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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I've only recently started flying and I'm already addicted. The wait between lessons (I fly weekly...well, at least I try to, stupid weather) seems interminable sometimes! Especially when planes fly by when I'm at uni (my uni is under a flight path) and I just look jealously up into the sky at the lucky pilot of that plane.


Actually, my career goals have changed since I started flying. I was going to go into commercial law, now I'm going to try and find a way into aviation law and combine what I like into my job.


If anyone on these boards is an aviation lawyer or has connections with an aviation law firm, PLEASE contact me! I'm a 4th year law student and I'd desperately like experience in aviation law!



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The trick (for those of us who don't own our own airstrip!) is to have two obsessions; one for mid week and the other for the weekend. That way, you're never more than a couple of days away from fun (works for me! :thumb_up:)



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Guest Walter Buschor

I remember when I first got my license. The feeling of wanting to go fly whenever possible. Anything else in life just seemed to be a burden and something to endure until such time that I could go fly again. This will change however ( the enjoyment never will though ) . There are so many chores and other things to do and there is always another day to go for a fly. This in a way makes it all special and worth the wait. I do however get really XXXXed off if the weather is lousy for a period of time.


Eventually I get surley and my wife gets really XXXXed off with me and keeps saying " you're so lucky , you got no reason to be angry!" This of course does not help me feel any better.


This weekend looks good though with a fun fly planned on Sunday. Saturday is a Concreating day though and I hope my back won't give out.


so stay safe


the grey Nomad



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Guest Pop-top

Hey Steve,


I'm not sure if you've checked out the weather this weekend...? 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif


Doesn't look hopeful. I'm supposed to be nav'ing sat arvo with a hopeful aero's flight after that....not so sure if it will go ahead. Hope your booked for Sunday, coz that looks marginally better. The second low is coming through from the south west I think.


Congratulations on passing your test! :big_grin:



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Thanks Jodie, yeah. I booked for Sunday :-)


Last Sunday I was in 4501. I haven't flown an old sporty for nearly a year so it was pretty odd. It was also good to get my first flight in with the new licence :-) I couldn't convince anyone to come up with me last week although my youngest daughter says she will have her first flight in a small plane this Sunday. :-)


Hopefully the weather will start behaving soon!



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Guest Pop-top

Hahahaha, awesome news! and a willing victim! LOL I dont really know anyone in Adelaide yet so I'll have issues finding some PAX's myself.


Maybe we should have a forum/thread for people to post there details of their nearest field and their volunteering to be passengers, then they can sign up for lessons at a later date if they wish? I know I would have LOVED that opportunity.



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